The Fate of the Warrior

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To fully understand this story, you must have read all of TFOM and "The Moone Trilogy" by Rocknrebel44. Caution: this story includes major spoilers for TFOM and minor spoilers for TMT.


One year after "The Fate of Minecraftia"...

Kat's Point of View (Rocknrebel44)

Sector 48

Kat wiped her brow. The muggy swamp air was causing her to sweat buckets.

How does he stand living here? she wondered as she walked up to the Witch hut.

She climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. Ten seconds passed and nothing happened. It was early morning; he probably wasn't even awake yet.

Kat knocked louder. Still nothing. She sighed and opened the door.

The first thing that greeted her was an awful stench—like the smell of dirty socks multiplied by a hundred. The second thing she noticed was that it was very dark inside, with the only light coming through the tiny windows.

"Steve?" Kat called. She didn't see him in the room.

Suddenly, something small and fast shot out from underneath the couch. Kat jumped as whatever it was sped to the table next to her.

She peered down at the small animal. It was a black and white cat.

"Hi, cat. I'm Kat."

Simon meowed back at her.

"Where's Steve?" Kat asked cat.

Simon purred and began licking his paw. Kat sighed and walked further into the room. Steve never left the house. So where was he?

She stepped over to the couch and looked down at it. There was a pile of dirty clothes covering the entirety of the couch cushions.

Doesn't he wear the same clothes everyday? Kat thought.

Suddenly, the pile of clothes moved in the center. Kat yelped and jumped back.

When she yelped, the pile of clothes flew everywhere as Steve sat up on the couch. He screamed.

Kat furrowed her brow. "Were you sleeping under that pile of dirty clothes?"

Steve looked around awkwardly. "Uh..."

"Why can't you learn to clean up after yourself?" Kat asked.

Steve stood up. "Why can't you learn to not go barging into people's houses?"

"You wouldn't answer the door."


Kat sighed. "Can't you just come back and live in Creektown? Living alone isn't really ideal. Especially for you."

"I've survived a year on my own so far," Steve retorted. "Anyway, why are you here? There better be a more pressing matter than begging for me to come back."

Kat rolled her eyes. "Yes, there's something more pressing. Citizens of Sector 25 are trying to sue the Resistance for raiding their food supply two years ago."

"What? Is that even legal?" Steve asked.

"Apparently," Kat replied. "You were the only one that was part of the Resistance back then besides Kirai. So we kinda need your help on this."

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