Mr. Butterworth

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Ethan got home around 3 p.m. While it wasn't exactly late, it felt much longer simply because I couldn't wait to see him again. "Honey, I'm home," the blue-haired boy bellowed into the apartment before stepping inside. He seemed much happier than he had been earlier, his smile fully reaching his eyes when I replied, asking if he had a better day. We laughed about his greeting for a good ten minutes before Ethan abruptly stopped. "How do you feel about pancakes?" He stared directly into my eyes, completely straight faced. "Good, I guess. Heck, most everybody I know calls me Mr. Butterworth. I make pretty wonderful pancakes." "Great! Guess what we're having for dinner?" He smiled and I laughed, quite loudly. "We do need to pick up some ingredients though. I don't really have milk or eggs" I reassured the blue boy that there was no trouble and we left. At the store, we had trouble finding the two ingredients and sticking to our list. "Dude! Look at these!" Ethan shouted at me from the next aisle over. As I jogged over to him I noticed a box in his hand that read "pocky" "Thats cool. You wanna get it?" I asked. "Duh!" Ethan barely uttered the words before he raced to the next aisle, leaving me in the dust. The rest of the shopping trip was a bit of a blur, involving lots of running into people, and arguing over whether almond or coconut milk was superior. When we finally did leave the store, we had ten bags. I looked over at Ethan and smiled, because while I was looking to make sure no cars were coming, he was viciously jabbing the walk button on a stoplight. He's actually really cute, I thought to myself. Woah Mark, where'd that come from? "Come on Ethan." I gestured towards the crosswalk, and he bounded toward me, a huge smile on his face and five bags on each arm. Together, we walked back to his apartment, debating the quality of Pokémon Go. "Mark. It's so overrated! You walk around, head in your phone, spending money so that you can catch characters from a childhood game!" "Yeah! That's what makes it great." I retorted.
Back at the apartment, Ethan started unpacking the boxes while I grabbed a bowl and whisk. Once the eggs and flour were out of the bags, we started mixing. This ended in a full out food fight in the middle of Ethan's kitchen. Flour was splattered along the counters, eggs were on the floor, and batter was on their faces. Ethan threw his head back in laughter, with batter dotting his nose. I couldn't help but laugh in return.
After we finally sat down and ate, it was about 7 at night. "Wanna play Call of Duty?" Ethan mumbled. "Of course! I'm the boss at that game!" Ethan laughed for what was probably the millionth time that night and put the game in his Xbox. At least twenty rounds later, Ethan decided he was tired. "Hey Mark?" He said. "Huh?" I mumbled, eyes still on the screen. "I'm gonna go to bed." "Okay." I tried to sound the opposite of disappointed. The boy got up and walked towards his door, hesitating before he opened it. "Oh and Ethan." I spoke, "reason number one; spontaneous food fights." He smiled, and walked into his room. "Goodnight Mark!"

AN: sorry this has taken me so long to upload. I've been really busy, moving house and a few other things. This is a bit of a short chapter, but I think the rest will be. Thanks for sticking with me! Hope you enjoyed it :)

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