No Such Thing as Ghosts

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Ethan's POV:
In the middle of the night, I woke up to a banging on my bedroom door. Normally I cherish my sleep, and on any normal occasion I would open that door just to slam it back in the knockers face and go straight back to sleep. This time though, I opened it and smiled into the face of the red-haired man standing outside my door.
"Ethan. I don't know what to do. I swear I heard a knock at the door and scratching on the walls. Plus there was a banging on the balcony window. I'm sorry for waking you up-"
I cut Mark off before he could keep up his cute rambling. Wait. Did I just call Mark cute? I'm not into Mark. No way.
"Mark, dude," I said as gently as possible, "I'm sure it was nothing. Why don't you just try to go back to sleep?" If I peered around the red-haired man, I could see the clock said 4:09 a.m. which was far too early for me.
"No, you don't understand. I'm terrified of ghosts. What if it was a ghost? Ethannn.." Mark whined until I surrendered.
"Okay buddy, I have an idea." I grabbed Marks shoulders and pushed him a bit to the side. Then, I hastily shut my door. I was not going to let him see my room. Grabbing Mark's hand, I led him to the balcony with its rusty, unreliable fire escape. I could practically feel Mark trembling, and I could have sworn there was a spark when I grabbed his clammy hand.
"ETHAN! That's where the ghost was!" He shouted.
"No such thing as ghosts," I mumbled back. I led him up the fire escape, passing a few levels until we reached the top of my apartment building. On the top, someone was keeping a flowery garden. I normally came up there when everything was getting to be too much. Luckily, Mark had appeared to have calmed down by the time we reached the garden. We sat down together, near the edge, but not close enough as the accidentally fall off.
"Okay Markimoo, is this better?" I asked him, trying out a new nickname.
"Yeah. It's quite pretty up here actually." I thought I had gotten away with my childish nickname, but only a few silent moments passed before he opened his mouth.
"Markimoo?" He asked.
"I'm not sure, it just seemed to fit. Plus it sounded cool," I half-whispered, kind of embarrassed about my slip up.
"I have an idea," he said. Mark stood up and dragged me up with him. Then he asked me to give him a tour of the garden and show him my favorite parts. I walked him around, talking about my favorite plants. Eventually we got on the topic of our futures and pasts. We sat back down near the edge. Mark told me about his childhood and his mom. He talked about his friends and how he wanted to be a singer when he was little. I told him about my dog and how I used to be a gymnast. Then I talked about wanting to be an actor. I even told him that was why I moved here. We kept talking never ending. I guess I must have fallen asleep though, because my eyes kept dropping and Mark suddenly had his arm around me.
Marks POV:
Ethan dozed off, his head on my shoulder, my arm around him. I had to admit he was a cute sleeper. His mouth hung open, his arm curled around me, and every once in a while, little snores would come out of his mouth. I stared at the slowly brightening sky, thinking about talking with Ethan. To be completely honest, I hadn't been woken up by ghosts. I had woken up from a bad dream and my mind had started to wander. So I woke him up. Suddenly, I noticed the sky brightening and I saw a streak of pink at the bottom of the dark blue.
"ETHAN!" I shouted and shook the blue boy sleeping in my lap until he shot up.
"What is it? Is there a bomb? Who's dying?" He shouted, shaking his head around.
"Nothing, I just thought you'd like to see the sunrise."
The boy smiled and rubbed his eyes, before giggling and pushing himself away from my lap. He stared at the sky, and together we watched it turn from blue to pink, pink to orange, orange to yellow. The sky looked like a watercolor painting, something off of an aesthetic Tumblr. It was quite beautiful. But I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ethan.
"The sunrise," I whispered.
"Huh?" Ethan questioned, never turning away.
"Keep living for the sunrises."
"They're really pretty," Ethan didn't really acknowledge my statement, besides a small grin.
"Yeah, they really are, aren't they," I replied, my eyes still on the blue boy.

Authors Note: Thanks to @miacameron303 for the chapter idea. Also I'd like to thank everyone for sticking with me for this long wait. I hope you enjoy this chapter <3

Do Anything// A Crankiplier FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora