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Author's Note: So yeah this is my first story. This is just the begining/backstory, so continue reading after this. Also, I want to know how I did, and what you guys think, so please put any criticism you have in the comments. Thanks!

~potato queen~

"Ugh, what happened?"

I opened my eyes groggily, expecting to see some kind of light- sunlight or heaven's light. Instead, I saw a blur of red. Blood.

I wiped away the blood from above my eyebrow, being as gentle as I could on the tender cut. I looked down at my arm where I had swiped away the blood, and was shocked at the amount of the red liquid I saw. Then, I remembered why I was bleeding so severely-not only there, but almost everywhere on my body. I was fighting. A hollow. Not just a normal, 10-foot tall, invisible, hollow, but a 20-foot tall, super-hollow. My sister's and my hollow. Our hollow-turned father.

My sister, Maria, and I were not normal. Well, I was, but she was... special. She had a power, a "peculiarity", as Ms. McKay called it. Maria can telepathically communicate with anybody, anything she wants- dead or alive. It started for her when she was only about 7 years old. I was only 4 years old at the time, and when I told her that I kept hearing her voice and seeing her in my mind, she told me about her power. I, on the other hand, am just an ordinary, boring human with no power of my own. But that isn't what's important. Right now, the hollow is.


Our mother had died three months after Maria got her peculiarity. She had been hiding it from our parents, but after mother died, she told father. He panicked, and asked our neighbors a block over, the Portmans, what to do. Mr. and Mrs. Portman told us that their son, Jacob, had a power too, and that he was living in an orphanage-type home for people with powers. My parents sent Maria to a similar place near there, but they told me to stay in Florida. Her and I were a package, you take one you get the other. I refused to stay home in Florida. So her and I went, but my father came with us. We went to Secratisa, a place near the island of Cairnholm (where Jacob Portman was). Mr. and Mrs. Portman took us to a spot out in the woods and told us to enter the narrow space between two trees that had a tunnel coming out on the other side.

"Are you sure this is where the place is? I don't see anything on the other side of this tunnel..." Father asked Mr. and Mrs. Portman. They were holding a torn-out page of a map that had strange swirls all over it.

"Yep. Right here. Good luck!" First Maria stepped in, then me, then father almost step foot in but was stopped by Mr. Portman.

"Where do you think your going?" Mr. Portman asked father. Maria and I exchanged looks of confusion. We weren't going in without father, and he wasn't leaving without us.

"I was going into the tunnel with my daughters. What do you think you're doing, preventing me from going in with them?"

Mrs. Portman spoke next. "Normals can't enter, otherwise-" her breath was caught short, then she resumed. "- their minds will be turned to soup. I'm so sorry." Father didn't care. He still tried to get in, but Mr. Portman blocked him.

"NO! We already lost mother, we aren't losing you. Go back to Florida. We will be fine here." Maria stated solemnly. I started tearing up, then ran out and grabbed father's legs. I didn't want him to leave. He had to come through.

"I'm not leaving my children. Not for a million dollars!" With that, he started walking through.

"DO YOU WANT YOUR MIND TURNED TO MUSH?????" Mr. Portman yelled at father. Father looked down at his feet, stopped a centimeter in front of the tunnel entrance.

Lmao I gave up on thisWhere stories live. Discover now