Enoch and I- part 2

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I reached for a sharp pair of scissors that had been on his work table and started to throw the scissors at my heart when Enoch smacked the scissors out of my hand and-

He kissed me. He smashed into my face, with tears streaming down his. I was shocked at first, but feeling helpless, I eventually just closed my eyes and let it happen, melting into it. It was gentle but passionate. In preschool, I remember a boy had pecked me on the lips, but this was nothing like it. That was done by a boy I barely knew and didn't like, this one- no, I can't like him! What about Horace? It isn't like I like him or me likes me, but Horace seems to hate Enoch (sorry honestly I ship Enorace but I want them to hate each other so sorry fellow Enorace shippers)! Great... oh damn! He's still kissing me...


"I DESERVE TO DIE! IN FACT HOW ABOUT I JUST TAKE MY OWN LIFE AND GIVE YOU THE HEART MYSELF?" She reached for a sharp pair of scissors that had been on my work table and started to throw the scissors at her heart when I smacked the scissors out of her hands and kissed her. For bird's sake Enoch, could you be more desperate? I couldn't stand it- She had already been here for a month and I hadn't talked to her once! After all, the whole time she has been here she has been hanging out with that fancy prick Horace. Ulch. How I hate him. He knows that I like (y/f/n) but he doesn't care, he just keeps stealing her away! But then again, how can someone steal something from you, that never belonged to you in the first place?

Oh shit. Still kissing her. Can't... breathe... I pulled away from her so I could breathe. "(y-y/f/n)..."


There was a faint clatter upstairs. "(y/f/n)? Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Then there was another, louder clang! "Ohhh no. Oh nonono..."

I started to worry again and grabbed her hands. "(y/f/n)? What's wrong?"

"Shit I was showing Horace how to make Cookie Butter shake and left to say hey to you at the most important step- THE BLENDER"

The... blender? "What's a blender?" But she couldn't answer my question because she grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs to the kitchen.

There was the idiot himself covered in- what was that? Milk? Eggnog? I looked over at (y/f/n) who was facepalming like crazy. "GODDAMNIT HORACE! I thought I told you not to do anything while I was gone. And what did you do?" She yelled at him. I found it adorable, how she was angry.

"I pressed the blend button and-"

"That's not what I meant." She sighed and turned to me. In a half-whisper, she told me, "Sorry, I have to go help Horace clean up. I'll see you in a bit- meaning a few hours." She kissed me lightly on the cheek, earning a blush from both of us and a shocked death glare from Horace. She walked out and called for Horace to follow her. Instead he headed over to me.

"Listen, Connors. Back off from (y/f/n). She is mine, even if she doesn't know it yet. It's only a matter of time."

I chuckled. "In your dreams, Somnulson."

"Precisely." He said with a smug look.

"Oh, It's on."

"Let the games begin."

Yaaaayyyy!!!!! Chapter two done! Published two parts of one chapter in one day SWEET! Sorry that it is short, I didn't have the energy to write more, but yeah. I hope you liked it! Tell me what you think, as always, in comments below. Bye!

-~Potato Queen~

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