Chapter 1- Horace and I

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                             Author's Note: Hey everyone!! So this is the second chapter to My Hollow and Me, a story about a 13 year old girl (reader) who grew up with her older sister, Maria, in one of Miss Peregrine's niece's loops, when her father who was a non-peculiar was turned into a super-hollow and killed every peculiar in that loop, except reader and Maria. So if you have not read it yet, then please do. Thanks!

~potato queen~

(this paragraph is the last of part one btw)

So you went to where they said that he had entered. You were sceptical at first; the cairn was so morbid looking, you couldn't imagine a loop being inside it. But they said that he went in there. So, you walked through the entrance to your new, hopefully, forever home.

This loop was similar to your own, except with a different look and temperature. It was a tad bit less sunny than yours, but it was obvious that this one was also in summer, and near the same time as Ms. McKay's. The place still smelt like fish, except with the scent of mud with it. The people of past-Cairnholm stared at your blood-stained outfit and wrap around your waist. You hadn't even thought to bring clean clothes before you left the collapsing loop. You walked aimlessly around, hoping to find someone who knew the peculiars, or at least where the home was. Miraculously, when you walked into the woods, you found a grand home with some children playing outside it.

I found it!

Jacob and the other peculiars!

Like you had done when you were four, except a bit more mature, you-calmly this time- walked towards them. You kept your distance although; you hid behind a nearby bush and waited until you saw Jacob. Eventually, you got tired of waiting, and accidentally fell asleep. Later, you were not sure how much, you were awoken. A young girl, about 9 or 10 years old, shook you awake.

"Who are you?" The girl asked you.

"I'm (y/f/n) (y/l/n). Who are you?"

The young girl gasped. "JACOB! JACOB! JACOB!" The girl screamed, running into the house. She stopped at the doorway of the home. "Well? Aren't you coming? I'm guessing The Bird will want to see you!"

The...Bird? Oh, they probably mean Miss Peregrine.

You followed into the grand home with the girl. It was not very similar to your previous, but it was still beautiful. The young girl took your hand and dragged you to the main living room.

There you saw the woman that Ms. McKay had showed you pictures of, your aunt Miss Peregrine. She was busy knitting a beautiful scarf with what someone at your previous island described as "bullet proof wool", so it took a while for her to notice you.

"Ahem! Miss P, we have a newcomer!!" The girl told her. Miss Peregrine didn't even look up, but instead said "Olive, why don't you back outside and play with the others?" So the little girl-Olive-did as she was told and left.

She looked up at you and wasn't the least bit shocked. In fact, she looked like she was expecting you. "You must be (y/f/n). Jacob told us a bit about you and your sister Maria. I have been in contact with Ms. McKay, my niece, since you arrived to her loop." When she mentioned both of their names, you started tearing up. "Ms. (y/l/n), what is the matter?"

"Ms. McKay... Ms. McKay is dead. Her and all of her peculiars: dead!" You collapsed into sobs. Miss Peregrine quickly got up and had you sit down. She wrapped her arms around your trembling shoulders. You couldn't stop crying; Miss Peregrine didn't stop comforting you. After about 10 minutes of sobbing, when you had no tears left, you raised your tear-streaked face to see several pairs of eyes peeking from around the corner. As soon as they noticed that you saw them, although, they left.

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