Horace and I (con't)

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You were starting to get used to this loop. The peculiars told you about their misadventures with your Uncle Caul, and you got to know the peculiars. Some where quite nice, some were more shut-in. One peculiar, Enoch, never talked to you, though one time you did catch him staring at you, even though he returned to his homunculi right after he noticed that you saw him staring at you and he acted like it never happened. You and Horace became best friends, especially since you had horrible nightmares ever since the day of the super-hollow, and Horace would help you relax when you would wake up in a cold sweat, shivering, mutely crying. Though your friendship caused some of the other peculiars to ship us (Horace thankfully has no clue what a "ship" is, aside from a boat), no matter how much you and Miss Peregrine told them it isn't true, though you secretly wished it was. The only ones who wouldn't participate in the shipping of your friendship were Enoch and Millard. Jacob would sometimes, but only because of Emma. Usually he supported your side though. Hugh and Fiona usually stayed silent, but when someone mentioned Horace and I, they would smile and laugh to themselves. Usually you just ignored it, though.

One of the ever so familiar nights, you had the terrible nightmare. It always started out the same, beginning when father-hollow entered the loop. Usually, the nightmare went as the true events, he killed Oliver, then everyone else, then Marcus, then instead of swallowing Maria he killed her in various ways each night. But this night, it was different. Instead of starting with Oliver, he started with you. Picked you up with his large, tentacle tongues, whipped you around, and broke your skull open by hitting it on a hard tree. He placed you down, then left, like killing you was just a warning for the rest. Maria screamed your name and ran over to you. With the last bit of life that you had, you told her that you loved her, then with her tears dropping onto your face, you were dead.

"NO!" You woke up, gasping, crying, trembling. Horace, ever the gentleman, burst into your room, knowing that you would need his comforting tonight. He came over to your bed where you were sitting on the edge of, trembling violently, and helped you stand up. He wrapped his left arm around your shoulders to calm you down a bit.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked you, using a special voice that only you have ever heard from him. You gently shook your head, staring at your shaking hands. The nightmare replayed in your head, You couldn't even see straight without seeing Maria's grief-stricken face, the view filling with blood then going black.

"I understand. It's alright, love. Just remember that it wasn't real, that it was merely a dream-"

"N-nightmare, you me-mean." You interrupted him, correcting his attempt to sugarcoat it.

He awkwardly chuckled under his breath. "Right. Nightmare. Well, even so, it is only a nightmare, a figment of your imagination, nothing to be worried about. It isn't real, it didn't happen. You are alright, dear. Just try to remember that I'm here for you, when you need help." He gripped your hand, relaxing your muscles for him to tense up his grip. You looked up at him, and his eyes locked with yours. You hadn't noticed how beautiful he actually was: he wasn't wearing his top hat or monocle, so you could see is messy yet neat dirty-blond hair, framing his face perfectly, his hazel-green eyes shimmering in the moonlight. It's amazing how someone like him could ever be friends with me. He had a simple, kind, half-smile on his face that was so welcoming, anyone who ever saw it would immediately either fall in love with him or want to be his best friend. And the special thing was that he never showed it to the others, just you. "Feel any better now?"His voice said, snapping you out of his trance.

"Hm? Oh. N-not really. I-I keep seeing the nightmare replaying before my eyes, and it restarts everytime I blink." You told him. He then released your hand, and looked away. "Horace? What is it?"

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