Chapter 7

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Take me to Neverland (TMTN)

【Chapter Song ● Roses by The Chainsmokers】

Marcus's POV ~

We won, this feeling still wasn't sinking in. Though it was just a friendly match, winning matters , you ahould take something back from every match you play, if it's for a trophy or just for fun , you should learn from everyone, even your rivals . You should take back positive things and most importantly, you should enjoy playing . I enjoyed playing , alot today . And this win is like a cherry on the cake .

This was the first match that I played for my college . As the team captain and I am glad i could score and help the team get out of a crisis situation .

But honesty, right now I am searching only one person, thats Brooklyn . I realised it now that whatever I did after my winning goal was maybe a bit too much .

Frankly, I don't feel like it was too much , but I really don't know what she would be thinking right now . Brooklyn is kind of shy, so i really want to see her so I could get a clue about what is she feeling exactly . I just hope she didn't mind my actions .

It took me thirty minutes to get back to the dressing room , throughout the way, I was bombarded with people wanting my autograph or wanting to thank me for scoring that last goal . There were hundreds of girls and believe me , I felt a bit weird . I am not a celebrity after all .

So after thirty minutes or so, I finally reached the dressing room, met my teammates,celebrations began and after partying for three hours, I finally reached home . Mom and dad were in Italy to attend a business function hence, I was alone at home today .

I lay back on my bed and just then I realised that in between all the celebration, I had completely forgotten about Brooklyn . I had to call her. Oh wait, but I didn't have her number .

So, I have to wait for two long days to get to meet her again, get to talk to her again ? No, absolutely no.

I took out my phone, and realised that I had turned it off before the match . I turned it on to find some messages hanging in.

17 from Mom

Oh ,mom I am okay, Love you . Don't miss me too much, be back soon, your little one misses you :*
PS- Focus on your meetings Mrs Radcliffe ;)

Sent .

8 from Dad

Dad, I texted mom :)


4 from Jacob

Bro, I texted both mom & dad, so chill and stop being their messenger :D


1 from Unknown Number

" Who could this be ? " I whispered to myself before opening the message .

Hey Marcus,

You did an awesome job out there , congratulations 💐

"Ughh , seems like I got a new stalker." Just when I was about to delete the text, I noticed something, my usual female stalkers always sent me weird, over the top cheesy texts, they never congratulated me, they would ask me if I wanna come over for the night, tell me that they're all alone at home, laying in the bed, waiting for me ....And what not !!

Take Me To Neverland #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now