Chapter 13

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                  Take Me To Neverland (TMTN)

           Above :  Brooklyn's dress for the party

[Chapter song ● Night Changes by One Direction]

                             Brooklyn's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of music, and this music was my phone's ring. Honestly, I was too lazy to pick it up because after a long time, I had slept till twelve o'clock in the afternoon. But, I had to pick up the phone. And so, I did to find out the 'oh so familiar' caller ID. By the time I picked it up, Marcus cut the call.

Damn, seven missed calls! This must be important.

I was about to call him back when I got a text.

1 from Marcus

Change of plans,  anniversary party at my club, be ready at eight.

Brooklyn : okay.

Marcus: I can pick you up, if you're okay with that.

Brooklyn: Sounds good.

Marcus:  I will come around seven thirty. Be ready by then.

Brooklyn: Okay, don't forget the challenge tho.

Marcus:  Yes ma'am.

Brooklyn: See you.

Marcus: Bye.

This was going to be fun. Actually, everything with this guy is fun. Just like yesterday. Yesterday was an amazing day. All those talks, laughing for no reason and then him, kissing me, again. I hadn't yet asked him  about  that previous one and he gave me another one.

Another breathtaking moment to dream about.

I took a quick shower, shampooed my hair, dried them and got ready to buy the cutest possible couple gift. I didn't had any idea about what I am going to buy, but I got out anyway. I cleaned up the house because I knew Vera is coming back tonight and she would kill me, if she saw dirt in her house. I am thankful to her for letting me stay and take full control of her apartment for the past six months, but now, when she is coming back things aren't under my control anymore. I'm happy that she will be here with me but I'm a bit worried about her hygiene issues. She is way too clean and tidy for me. I will have to manage somehow.

I was on my way to the mall when my phone rang. It was Natasha.

"Hey Natasha, what's going on ?"  I said.

"Getting ready, me and Ben are spending the day together. You know about the night out right ?" She said from the other side

"Yeah, Marcus told me about it."

"You're coming right ?" she asked.

"Ofcourse I am." Honestly, I don't know why she would think that I won't come.

"I thought you won't. I haven't seen you in parties especially late night parties so... well shove that, you're coming. I am soo happy." She chuckled

"Well, shouldn't Ben be the reason of your happiness today?" I asked jokingly.

"Haha, he is the  ultimate reason for my happiness, every single day. But he does'nt mind sharing this title." She said after laughing on the phone for a good minute.

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