Chapter 18

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                     Take Me To Neverland(TMTN)

【Chapter song● Million Reasons by Lady Gaga】

                                       Year: 2017

                                  Brooklyn's POV~

" Gone into your Neverland again, Brook ?"

I was immediately out of my thoughts and I quickly turned around to see Nick, my office colleague and my best friend, standing right behind me with two cups of cappachinos in his hands. My hands were shivering because of what he had just said. It's been a long time since I last heard that name. My nickname, the nickname that he gave me. The name that only he called me. Brook.

"Umm, thanks Nick." I said as I took my cup from his hands and started sipping it. The taste of my coffee was absolutely of the type that I love.

"So, you were thinking about that footballer dude again, right?" He asked me after taking a few sips of his coffee.

"No" I said.

" You still miss him, don't you?" Nick placed his cup on the table and folded his hands on his chest and placed them on the table. Is he trying to intimidate me? Because I'm getting intimidated.

"You always ask me whether I still miss him or not. You have put up the same question in front of me more than 500 times during the course of last five years and I know you do so because every time you ask me, I give you a different answer. But the main point in my answers always remains same. And I guess, it always will remain the same."

"DO I miss Marcus Radcliffe? " I said aloud, kinda dramatically.

"Hell yeah, I do. Even after five years of being away, I do and that's because he gave me a whole lot of reasons to miss him. A whole lot of memorable moments. He gave me my firsts, so many of them. My first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first time getting drunk, first time making out in the team dressing room, first time siting on a plane, first time getting laid, first time being myself without any fear. I owe him a lot, for all the things he has done to me, all those things that he made me do, all those things that we did together. he was and will always will be my first. Always at the top of my list." I swear I had tears in my eyes. I tried stopping them. No, I couldn't cry. I couldn't let myself break down. That's what I wanted, I wanted to break up. It was my decision and I'm not going to regret it now, after five years.

"That year and a half with him was great, but it ended.Maybe it wasn't meant to be."

"Brooklyn, I know it was hard for you but feeling bad now, won't help." Nick said.

"I know. I don't miss him, atleast I try not to." I said.

I wish I could agree to the latter half of my sentence.

I may not react when he scores a goal and people around me in the room are going crazy. But when he makes that heart thing on camera, my heart still skips a beat. I still go crazy, the old Brooklyn that I have hidden somewhere, goes crazy. I still​ think that he does that for me. When I clearly know that he doesn't.

"That was five years ago Brooklyn, you need to move on babe."

I agree to Nick. I do need to move on. Actually, I have moved on. I haven't had a boyfriend after Marc but I have gotten over him.

"I know." That was all I could say.

Five years are enough to change your life, to turn it upside down. They were enough to change mine. I started working in a news channel, I broke up, I found a wonderful friend in Nick. My life, financially, is perfect. I earn a good amount of money. I've built a reputation for myself in five years. On my family front, Vera got married last year, to her boyfriend of four years, Jack. Nick found a guy to live up to his expectations, finally. Nick and Micheal are goals, even though they are gay,their relationship dynamics are something that amaze me. Their relationship is a long distance one, just like mine was, but they work on it so well, unlike me.

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