Chapter -8

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   Take me to Neverland (TMTN)

【 Chapter Song● Closer by The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey】

Brooklyn's POV ~

Sleep came really late last night . That's because I  didn't know that what had just happened, had actually,like literally, happened .I just talked, correction, texted, the guy almost every girl in college is crazy about . What was i thinking when I  blindly texted him ?, I  hope I didn't  didn't embarrass him . What if, he was with his friends. What if, they joked about my texts. What if,  history repeats itself and I  have to go through the same situations that I had been through back in high school ? I am scared to even think about it, so very scared  . But  the funny part is, he texted back . So,should I now start considering myself lucky ? Well, I  don't know.

Isn't it strange that the guy who you hated two months ago because of his oversized ego and never-ending rude attitude, now seems like an all new and improved person . Or maybe he was always like this and I  didn't notice . Maybe he was stressed out because managing studies with football, can't be an easy task for sure . Lately, I  have grown to admire him for that, I am completely taken aback by how he has been researching about our project and simultaneously he had been prepping up for yesterday's match . If I  would have been him, I would have backed out way back . He must be really passionate about football I  suppose . Initially, I was very annoyed by him but, when I come to think about it now, I just feel like ignoring what happened some time back, ignoring how rude I thought him to be, how egoistic he appeared to me . Nobody's perfect . I ain't, he ain't either .


Since I couldn't get enough sleep last night, I didn't want to get up early . But, I  couldn't lay back for some more time because I  had an early lecture today . I had three lectures lined up for today, one after the other . It was going to be a tough day and I was too sleepy at the moment . I lazily got up from my bed and started walking towards bathroom . I took a relaxing bath and quickly rushed towards my cupboard to find something to wear .  Finding out stuff to wear from your wardrobe, that too om time, is  a highly applaudable job .

Luckily, I got a bus to my college on time and I  didn't have to wait for long . I got down at my stop and started walking towards my college . Just then, a black Maserati drove past me . I was admiring it from behind and just then the car stopped . I was walking at my usual pace, when I  came towards the car, it's window slid down and the driver honked .

Was he trying to to get my attention ? OMG, What if, it's a stalker or a kidnapper ?

I started marching forward, without caring to look behind . Soon, the car came towards me again . Now I was scared as hell . I turned around to look at the black shiny car to realise that the windows were tinted  and this car was something else . It had a rich , luxurious look to it . Then the car again came right next to me . This time, I geared up the courage to look into the open window only to find the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I have ever seen .

It was him .


                                       Marcus's POV ~

"Do you have your earphones plugged in ? "  I  almost shouted at her once she was looking at me from the window . She looked, good.  Well, she always looks good . Her blue eyes were shining bright under the sun and her baby pink sundress looked really pretty on her, I must admit .

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