Chapter 5

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I drove Lucy home but she was in no mood to get out of my car on her own. So, I put one arm behind her back and the other one underneath her knees and picked her up. She was hardly awake. I walked upstairs to her room and put her down in her bed. As I was about to leave, I heard Lucy murmuring something. 

"Don't leave babyyy.." she murmured this, like three times and I was finally able to understand it in her fourth attempt.

"Babe, I have to be home." I responded as she held my hand in her sleepy state.

"Noooooo.. pleeeease stay.." she said drowsily.

"Okay, fine. I'm staying." I said.

"Yayy" she said as she went back to sleep.

I just shook my head and laid down beside her. It was somehow a tiring night. I took my phone out of my pocket only to see that it was out of battery. I sighed and kept it on the table beside me as I tried to sleep. 

I heard a text message tone as I was about to sleep. It couldn't have been my phone as it was dead. I could only wonder now, that who texted Lucy at this time. I got up from my position to pick up Lucy's phone. I didn't need to unlock the phone as I could read the message from the notification bar only. It was a text message from Mark. 

"Who the hell is this Mark?" I thought to myself.

Mark : I just texted to tell you that I'm leaving for New York as I have to get some preparations done there, before your first shoot. Some of the other big producers are going to be there too. They could sign you if they like your work. So be prepared, see you in a week. 

I now recalled, Mark was the person who gave a modelling offer to Lucy. But wait, is Lucy going to New York? Why the hell she didn't tell me? My first instinct was to wake Lucy up and ask her about all this. But she was passed out. Guess I had to wait till morning. As I laid back down, I could only think about how I've been getting some really intense information from past two weeks. I was tired and didn't want to think about it anymore. So I tried and eventually went back to sleep.


I woke up, stretching my body, yawning, I could feel a little pain in my back but then I eventually got up. I could see, Lucy was already awake and she was on her phone, so I waited for her to finish her call.

"Yeah, I'll see you.. definitely.. bye" she said as she finished her call. "Oh, good morning babe" she turned around and greeted me.

"Good morning." I replied. "Who was that?" I asked her getting up from the bed.

"It was Mark, remember the guy who gave me the modelling offe-" she didn't even complete her sentence and I cut her off, "yeah I remember. Now would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?" I asked furiously.

"What do you mean?" She asked totally confused.

"Are you going to New York?" I asked again.

She was taken aback by my question, "yeah but, how did you know?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"I saw the message that Mark sent you yesterday. Lucy, don't you respect this relationship? Aren't you supposed to tell me such big things? Do I not tell you everything?!" I shouted at her.

"You're making this a very big deal, though it's not. It's just about 1-2 months, I'll be back in no time." She stated simply.

"2 months?! Are you fucking kidding me? I'll be married in 2 months time and I'll be living with another person. How am I supposed to manage all this when you're not around?" I demanded an answer.

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