Chapter 7

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"Watcha wearin' tomorrow?" Normani asked me from the other side of the phone while chewing onto something.

The time had come. I had to go to this get together party so that I could meet Alejandro Cabello's a.k.a my going to be father-in-law's colleagues. Also, Lucy had been gone since forever. We barely managed to talk because of her hectic schedule and it was getting on my nerves. I was somewhat relieved about the party because Normani and Ally were going to accompany me. It was a surprise that my dad told me to ask Mani and Ally to join us, he knows that these girls mean the world to me.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe a dress or a gown." I replied focusing on her chewing, trying to guess what she was eating. "What about you?"

"Well, does it even matter?" She said still chewing, what seemed like chips.

I huffed a laugh, "no Mani, it doesn't. You look hot, no matter what you wear."

Normani chuckled, "you bet. Sooo.."

"Soo.. what?" I tried to figure out what she was going to ask.

"You're going to meet 'your going to be wife' tomorrow." Normani said with a hint of laugh in her voice.

"She has a name for god's sake." I stated.

"Oooh, you're already being protective. I see. So, what do you think? What kind of person would Camila be?"

"You can't see anything, and I don't know Normani, she is probably the last thing I care about right now. And, as a matter of fact, I am not thinking about her at all. Now get lost because I have a bunch of things to do. And, don't be late tomorrow. I don't want to go inside that place without you two." I reminded her.

"Sure, Laur. Have your beauty sleep tonight and don't worry it'll all be alright. We gotchu." Normani said in the most friendly voice.

"Thanks Mani, love you."

"Love you too, bitch. Now go."

I cut the call and wandered off to do some things so that I could take my mind off tomorrow's party. Nothing was helping, and I was freaking out more and more as the day was passing. The thought of meeting Camila was making me sick, sick to an extent that I didn't want to think about it but it was all that I was doing.


The party took place at the Cabello's mansion and needless to say that it looked beautiful. Few metres away from the entrance, on the left, there was a bar and on the right was a small stage with local musicians playing soft music, matching the tone of the party. It was a huge hall with a champagne fountain flowing through the glasses in the middle of the hall.

I was wearing a simple black dress with my hair curled a bit. I didn't know what would look good, so I just went with a plain dress. Hopefully I was looking decent. Normani and Ally were looking hot as usual.
My parents were walking ahead of us and as they entered the mansion, they were greeted by a couple, which I reckoned were Mr. and Mrs. Cabello. They hugged and greeted each other happily.
Then my dad turned towards me and introduced me, "Alejandro and Sinu, this is my daughter, Lauren." He patted my back and I just smiled towards them.

"Ay dios mio! You are so beautiful." Sinu looked at me and exclaimed. She then embraced me in a hug.

"Um, thank you Mrs. Cabello." I said as I settled into her hug and blushed slightly.

"Oh, please call me Sinu." She said as she let go off me.

"Um, okay." I said, smiling towards her then I looked to her left and greeted Alejandro Cabello, "Hello, Mr. Cabello."

"Oh mija, call me Alejandro." He said as he shook my hand. "And welcome to the family, Lauren."

"I-I'm glad..thank you Alejandro," was all I could take out from my mouth at that moment.

I noticed Sinu looking at two creatures behind me. I had totally forgotten that I was here with my friends. I turned around and brought them to my side, "Oh and these are my best friends, Normani and Ally." I said as they both greeted the Cabello's. They all were talking and I was just looking around, noticing there were a lot of people.

Sinu might have noticed my wandering eyes because she asked, "Are you looking for Camila, mija?"

I was taken so off guard by her question that I barely managed to say anything and just stared at her dumbly.

"Yeah, she is." Chris said as he chuckled beside me and I turned towards him to give him a death stare.

"Oh that's okay, Lauren. No need to hide it," Alejandro said. "She might be in her room or maybe in the room which she calls her studio, which is basically just an empty room with a piano in it," he said finishing his drink.

"Camila is so fond of singing and playing piano. She can spend her whole day in that room." Sinu said admiring her daughter.

"Oh, we'd love to hear her sing someday." My mom said and my dad agreed.

"She barely sings in front of us, she's a bit insecure of her voice," Sinu said. "Anyways Lauren, you can go find her upstairs in the room that's on the right." Sinu said pointing towards the stairs.

I didn't know what to do. It wouldn't look good if I just rejected and stayed there. And above all of this, I saw my dad staring at me. What the fuck? I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll go find her." I smiled and walked towards the stairs. I heard Alejandro saying, "make yourselves comfortable" to everyone that remained there.

My legs felt like I had weights hanging on them. I was walking so slowly, I didn't want to reach those stairs. I didn't want to find Camila. Hell, I didn't even want to be here. But here I was, on my way to find Camila. I was only hoping that Normani or Ally would stop me somehow. I reached the starting of the stairs, waited a bit thinking someone would stop me. But no one did. I could just fall down from these stairs intentionally. In that way, I wouldn't have to go and meet Camila. What the hell? I brushed off these thoughts and continued walking up the stairs. I reached the end of the stairs and turned right as I was told to. I spotted a door at the end of the corridor and started walking towards it. As I was getting closer to the door, I could hear the sound of a melodious instrument. I remembered Sinu telling everyone about Camila playing the piano. The melody was so beautiful, I swear I felt I was about to enter heaven as I reached the door.

I wanted to knock but at the same time I didn't want that melody to stop. So, I decided to go against it. I held the door knob and gently rotated it, so it wouldn't make any noise. Then, I quietly half opened the door without making a noise and stood there. I could see her side profile by the way she was seated. She was so focused on playing her piano that she didn't even notice me. And I swear I got lost in that melody because I started to lean on the door, making it creak a bit. Shit. She stopped playing when she noticed me and abruptly stood up from the stool. I was at a loss of words.

"I.. uh.." was all I managed to say.

UNCOVER (CAMREN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora