Chapter 12

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I woke up with a striking pain in my head. From these past few months, I've been tensed to even wake up from my sleep. I feel like as soon as I open my eyes there's going to be another problem waiting for me downstairs. Still I took the courage to get up from my bed. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and decided that I'll shower later as I was unbelievably hungry. I went downstairs and ran directly to the kitchen to see if the breakfast was ready. My instincts were telling me to turn around and look if there was someone standing behind me or not, but I kept going in search of food. And then I heard a voice, it was my dad's. Of course, how could I have a normal day?

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Umm.. eating..?" I replied somewhat unsure of the situation.

"No, you're just completely destroying the kitchen, you're not eating." He said pointing at the mess I created while searching something to eat.

"Okay fine, I'm finding something to eat. Why isn't there any breakfast? I'm starving." I said in an unusual tone which came off a bit rude.

"There's no breakfast." He said while folding his arms and standing in a straight posture.

"Why?" I asked confusingly.

"Because to have breakfast, you have to wake up at a decent time. Lauren, it's 12pm. You don't get breakfast at 12 in the afternoon."

"So what, I overslept a bit." I said finally being irritated.

"A bit? When was the last time you visited the office? Huh? As far as I know, you went there when I asked you to. Other than that you haven't been there on your own. Lauren, what is wrong with you? Why don't you get it at once? I'm trying to make you a better person. Is that how you're going to behave in front of Mr. Cabello?"

My anger was just waiting to hear that name. Every cell in my body started boiling up. "Fuck you, dad!" I shouted, pointing a finger at his face and then walking away from him.

"Out of all my three kids, I never imagined you'd be the worst one." He shouted from behind.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm unable to be a certain person that you imagined I'd be." I said.

"I'm doing all of this for us. And you're not trying to understand that."

I turned around, wanting him to just stop talking. "Maybe I don't want to." Then I started walking towards my room.

"I don't care about whatever you want. Take a bloody shower and get to work. I don't want to hear anything."

"Fine!" I shouted, slamming the door.

I sat on the bed, fuming with anger and hunger. I didn't want to go to work. I even thought of jumping out from the window but that was a dangerous stunt so I avoided it. But then I heard my phone ringing, I saw the caller ID and it said Mani Bear. I argued with myself whether to pick it up or not but then I eventually picked it up.

"What?!" I said irritatingly.

"Lauren! Where are your manners?" I heard Ally shout back at me.

I looked at my phone's screen to make sure it was Normani's number but then I was confused. "Ally, what are you doing at Mani's place? That too without me?"

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