Chapter 1(Chris)

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I’m going to die. There are scientists all around me, stabbing me with needles filled with some kind of liquid, writing on their clipboards, or just staring at me. My wrist and ankles are raw from trying to get out of the restrains. I tried screaming but my throat was dry from dehydration. One of them said something about a failed test. Are they talking about me? What will they do to me? My heart beat at a thousand beats per second. Sweat trailed my half naked body. After what seemed like years, the scientists left me alone on the restrained bed in a dark room. Nothing else was in the room, I think. At first, it was silent but then I heard a small voice. It started out unclear, until it cleared up. “Chris you’re going to be late again!”

I bolt awake, making Rozy hiss in protest for being woke up. I looked around to find I'm in my own room. I breathed a long sigh of relief. At least it was a dream, but that was the most realistic dream I've ever had. I got out of bed and scratched Rozy's head making her purr. "Shouldn't be long now before you're a mommy," I told the pregnant cat. "Christopher Blue, if you're not down here in two minutes, I'm coming up there!" Mary yelled from downstairs. I quickly put some pants and a shirt on and ran down the steps. I found her in the kitchen scrambling eggs. "You shouldn't run on the stairs, Chris," she protested.

"Well I could walk but then you couldn't see my handsome face sooner."

"Ok, Mr. Handsome, how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, other than the weird dream,"

"What was this one about?" Mary turned to face me. She had her long brown hair tied up in a bun and her favorite kitten apron on. She wiped her hands on her jeans and walked up to me, having her 'Mom's Worried 'look.

"It was a little different than the last one. This time there were scientists, about four, they kept poking me with some kind of red stuff in a syringe. After they were done they put me in some dark room. It felt so real for a dream," I shuttered at the thought of the needle piercing my skin over and over. Mary was right in front of me before I knew it and rubbed my arms. "I'm fine Mary, It was just a dream, not like I can die from it," I said laughing and giving my most reassuring smile.

She made a face and said, "Three things, first, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Mary. I'm your mom now, so you should call me Mom." That is true, in a way. Mary found me at the brink of death next to her bakery. I was covered in wounds, starving, and dehydrated. Mary felt sorry for me, so she fed me and bandaged my wounds. Kind of makes me sound like a lost puppy. She asked me what my name was and if I ran away from home. I told her I don't remember. At first, she thought I was lying, but then she was finally convinced that I really did lose my memory. That's when Mary told me she would take care of me. I'll never be able to repay her enough for the things she's done for me.

"Second, like you said, it's just a dream so don't worry about it too much. Lastly, go take a shower, you're covered in sweat. Your special breakfast will be done soon so don't take long." She went back to making her eggs and I went to take my shower. When I was done, I put on some jeans and a black tee. When I got back downstairs, the aroma of food filled the kitchen. There were eggs, sausage, biscuits and my favorite, French toast.

Ma... I mean Mom, was standing beside the dining table trying to light a candle in a biscuit. I could tell she didn't know I was there so I crept up behind her. When she finally got the candle lit, she put up the lighter and I poked her side, making her jump about a foot in the air. She also made a sound that was a mix between a squeak and a scream. I laughed so hard that I had to hold onto the table to keep from falling. Mom turned around. "You know how much I hate my sides being touched!" she screamed, giving me a scowl. I couldn't take the scowl seriously because she was blushing so much from embarrassment. That just made me laugh harder and I couldn't stand anymore. She rolled her eyes and said, "Come on, stop laughing so much. It's not that funny."

"But it is. I mean first you're weird squeam, then your red faced glare, priceless."


"I don't really know what to call that weird sound you make so I just made up a word."

"But Squeam?"

"Then you tell me what kind of sound that was," I say as I got up.

"Ok, enough, today is a special day and I don't want to waste what little time we have arguing over what sound I make," she said. She picked up the biscuit and gave it to me. "Happy seventeenth Birthday, sweetie," then she started to sing the birthday song. I laughed each time she did the "Cha-cha-cha" and she'd shake her skinny hips. When she was done singing, I blew out the candle. She clapped and said, "Well better not let this food get cold."

We sat down and started eating. The food was amazing. Mary really knew how to cook, but of course you would expect that of a woman who is going to culinary school and owns her own bakery. She's wanted to be a professional chef all her life, or at least that's what she told me. "So, what are you going to do with your friends after school today?" Mom asked.

"Don't really know yet. Krista and Alan said they had something planned for me but they won't tell me what it is," I told her while finishing the last of my eggs. When I was finished eating, I put my dish in the sink and ran back upstairs to get my stuff. Rozy was still curled up in a ball on her cat bed. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my laptop and my notebook in it. I petted Rozy and said, "Remember, don't be having any kittens before I get back." I ran back down stairs to the kitchen. "Bye Mom, love you," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she cleaned dishes. "Bye Chris, have fun at school." I was almost out the door when I heard Mom scream. I ran back to where she was and found her looking out a window.

"Oh my god, Chris! Someone just collapsed on our yard!" she screamed already running to the glass door leading to the backyard. I dropped my stuff on the table and was right behind her. She opened the door and stopped right where she was. I almost bumped into her. "What's wrong?" I looked past her, which was easy considering that I'm almost a foot taller than her, and saw the little girl she was talking about. Then I saw what made Mom stop so suddenly. The girl had wings.

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