Chapter 2(Chris)

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing, a girl with wings. Was I still asleep? Did I lie down for a second when I got upstairs? I tried to think of different reasons why I'm seeing this. Then Mom finally snapped out of her little daze and ran to the girl. I still stood at the door. "Hey, are you ok sweetie" she tried asking the winged person. Mom kneeled beside her and slowly lifted her head. I walked a little closer to get a better look.

But when I got close, my eyes started to play tricks on me, I think. Her wings started to disappear. I stopped dead in my tracks and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them, the wings were gone. I looked at Mom to see that she didn't act the least bit shocked. I looked back at the girl.

The girl wasn't really that little, age wise at least. She looked about a year younger than me. Her midnight black hair was in knots and didn't look like it's been washed lately, just like her clothes. Her wings were the same color as her hair. She wore a grey tee and jeans that were tore all over. It took me a few seconds to finally realize that Mom was yelling at me. "Chris! Stop staring and help me take her inside and put her on the couch", Mom said. I did what I was told, but when I laid the girl down on the couch and pulled my hands away, I stared at my stained hands.

"Mom! She's bleeding!" I screamed trying to find the source of the blood. I found a cut that looked deep on her right arm. Mom was right beside me then. "Call 911," she demanded. I was about to dial the number when I heard the girl say something. "What did you say sweetie?" Mom asked her. "No hospital," the girl's voice was shaky like she was in a lot of pain. "You need a doctor. You're bleeding a lot," I said while dialing 911. The girl grabbed my arm, stared at me with big green eyes and screamed, "I said no hospital, and that means doctors too." She gasped; closing her eyes again and fell back on the couch holding her arm.

"Get me a washcloth. We need to clean her wounds to get a better look on how bad she's hurt," Mom barked. I went to the bathroom and grabbed 2 washcloths. I wet one with warm water and ran back to where the girls were. When I got back, I found Mom with the first aid kit and a clear cup of ice. "Good, now go to my room and find some clean clothes for her to wear," she said taking the washcloths and starting to clean the blood.

I ran to Mary's room and looked through her drawers. I pulled out a small purple tee and some jeans. I went back, sat the clothes next to the couch and then sat next to Mom. She turned to me and said, "I need your help. Her cut is pretty deep and I think she needs stitches. I need you to hold her arm still while I stitch it." I did as I was told and gently grabbed the girl's arm. Thank goodness she took those nursing classes in high school. It really comes in handy, especially when she first found me.

While mom was at work trying to numb the girl's arm, I asked, "What's your name?" At first she was unresponsive and it scared me a little, but then she whispered, "Why do you need to know?"

"Because, it's better than me calling you 'the girl'."

"Maybe I don't have a name"

"Of course you do, everyone has a name. Even if you have to come up with one yourself," that's what I did at least when Mary found me. I wanted to say the last part but it seemed too private to say. She was quiet for a minute then said, "Lynette, my name is Lynette." She hadn't opened her eyes since she screamed at me. That reminded me of what else I wanted to ask. "Why don't you want to go to the hospital?" She flinched. I don't know if it was from the question or from Mom stitching. So I took it as both. She wouldn't answer me so I asked again. "Why don't you want to go to the hospital? Or even see a doctor for that matter?"

"I just don't want to go to the hospital."

"But there's got to be some reason behind that right?" even with her eyes closed, I could tell she didn't like talking about this. So I changed the subject, hoping it will keep her mind off of the needle. "Where are you from?"

"Not here." Well thank you Captain Obvious." I mean are you from another city or state or something?" I tried being more descriptive. She didn't say anything. I could tell she wasn't a very open person but still, you would think that maybe she could give a little advice to the people who are saving her.

She didn't look comfortable at all, other than the fact that Mary is stitching her arm. Then I remembered something. "What was with the wings?" She flinched again and looked straight at me. "What are you talking about?" she looked horrified as if I just said I was going to kill her or something. "You had some black wings but then they disappeared out of nowhere." She stared at me for a few more seconds then turned her head the other way. "I-I think you're seeing things," she muttered. That's what I thought at first but now that I see her reaction, I'm starting to think otherwise. "Are you sure?" She didn't say anything or move any.

I couldn't think of anything else to ask that I thought she would at least attempt to answer so I just sat there in silent. I didn't know how much time pasted like that until Mom finally said, "Finished. Now let's get you in some clean clothes. Chris, you should probably go to school now. I'll call later to excuse your lateness."

"Are you sure? I could probably help."

"It's fine. I'll be okay," Lynette said while trying to stand up, but she staggered. I grabbed her non-stitched arm to steady her. She pulled away quickly and sat back down. When I let go, I noticed what looked like a tattoo on her left shoulder. I tried to see what it was but Lynette quickly pulled the short sleeve over it, never looking at my face.

Mom said, "You really should go to school, I'll be fine and so will Lynette. I took care of you when you were ten; I think I can take care of a teen."

"It's ok mom, I can miss another day of school, I mean it is my birthday."

"No buts mister, you need to go to school and that's final."

Well, no point arguing with her. "Ok, I'll go. But if you need me, I have my phone," I said and gave Mom a hug. I went to grab my stuff and walk out the door to my car. One thing is for sure though; I won't be able to pay attention in class, or at least for a more important reason.

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