Chapter 4(Lynette)

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"You really should eat, you look like you haven't in a long time," the woman named Mary told me. I wanted to eat some of her delicious smelling food but if I did and Lowell found out, then I would be in really BIG trouble. He would already be mad enough when he sees me with someone else's clothes. He's taught me that trust needs to be earned before you can let your guard down and I'm just not sure about this people yet. She seems like a person who would take in anyone in as long as their living. Her son on the other hand, I think his name was Chris, he is very suspicious. He could see my wings. Humans aren't supposed to be able to see them.

"It's fine, I need to get going anyway," I said. Mia, Dashi, and Lowell are probably still at the meeting spot waiting for me, if I don't turn up soon, they'll worry. "But you're not even healed yet. At any rate, we should probably call your parents. Can you tell me their number?" she asked. "I don't have any. I'm living with a friend and they don't have cell phones," it wasn't a lie much except the 'living with' part. We have been living pretty much anywhere we can.

"Oh, well then, You really should eat, you look like you haven't in a long time," Mary told me. She's right; I haven't eaten in almost three days. My stomach made a loud grumble noise when I smelled the wonderful food. Mary smiled, "See, your stomach is talking to you. You really should eat." I couldn't stand it any longer. Sorry, Lowell but I need to eat something if I want the energy to get away. I took a bite of a biscuit that was closest to me. I tried my best not to wolf down the whole thing, but it was so good that I wanted to eat a million of them. Mary kept smiling at me; not the creepy stalker kind of smile but the watching a kitten drink milk kind of smile.

"May I ask what happened to your parents?" Mary asked in a soft and caring voice. "I don't like talking about them much. It brings back bad memories," I said. All it took was a single tear and I had her on a hook. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember something unpleasant. May I ask who your friend is so I can try to contact them in some way?"

"Its ok. I don't want to cause you any trouble."

"Oh come now, it's no trouble at all; seven years ago, I did the same thing when I found Christopher at the brink of death." That pricked my interstate, and that says a lot. When she said that a flash of some past memory went by my eyes. "Can you tell me about when you found him?" I don't know why I want to know but I do. She lit up as if I just told her she won a million dollars. "I'd be happy to talk about it. When I first saw him he was curled in a little ball. The first thing I noticed when he looked at me was his eyes. He's eyes were such a pretty light blue color." When she talked about his eyes it made me think of something. When I first saw his eyes, they looked very familiar. I can't really say where but I feel like I've seen them before somewhere. While I was wondering where I've seen them before, Mary went on about little Chris.

"Even though they were so beautiful, they were full of fear and sadness," she sat in the chair next to me and talked as if she was talking to a child. "I wanted to help him. Even though it took a whole lot of convincing and bargaining, he finally decided to come with me. He was cut and bruised all over. He didn't have any memory of anything, not his parents or where he came from or even his own name. It took at least a month just to get him to say more than two words and another two months for him to talk to someone other than me. He almost never complained no matter what. Even though he feels like a son to me, he always ruins my fantasy by calling me Mary. He would call me Mom every once in a while but it never last. He got in trouble at school a lot for being late, but mostly it's because we live so far away from the school that it takes about an half hour to just get to the city. I was scared on his first day of school because he almost never talked to anyone so I thought he might not make any friends, but somehow he befriended two kids. Their still best friends even now and I'm so grateful to them because now Chris talks to everyone. I'm sorry; I'm probably boring you with all of my chatting."

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