several yogscast oneshots

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{OTP: NanoCoffee

{Shipping of: Kim and Duncan

{as suggested by: Me :3

{title: Dancing by moon light

-I Take Requests-

the sun was setting in a perfect day, Kim loved her new home. Staying with Sjin was grate but it was clear her loved Minty, however Duncan... she felt something for him, though she wouldn't admit it if you asked.

Kim sat sideways in the window cill, one leg was brought up and her chin rested on her knee while the other dangled nearly touching the floor, she looked out her open window as she saw the sun one last time for today until it had passed the horizon. The sun set in the same direction of sjins farm making her wonder, 'maybe I should pay him a visit... though it was his idiot of a best friend who blew me up' she thought to herself.

"Kim?" she heard a voice call from her front door, she leaned slightly out the window and saw the top of Duncan's messy blonde hair, she jumped down from the end of her window and ran down her stairs, she was bare foot and her hair was out, since her hair had been tied back in a bun all say it had gone slightly wavy and it only just touch her shoulders, never the less it looked beautiful like that. She opened the door smiling at her tall friend in front of her "Hello" she chirped "Hey Kim, I- uh wanted to show you something" he said putting his hand out for her to take, she hesitantly grabbed it and felt her cheeks burn, she tried her best to hide the blush but Duncan saw it and chuckled "come on". he started walking and she followed, them resuming to keep there hands intertwined, she felt to cold stone on her feet change into grass, it was with that she noticed they had left the castle "you have your jet pack?" he asked her, she shook her head "that's fine, hold on" he instructed and pulled her closer to him, taking off into the sky. Kim got caught by suprise, she clutched Duncan's lab coat tightly and closed her eyes, only to hear more of Lalnas chuckling, his grib around her tightened making her feel safer.

Soon enough she felt them descending and peeped her eyes open to find them about 5 meters off the ground, once they landed her grip loosened and so did his, they separated from each other and Kim took in her surroundings, she was amazed many tall trees surrounding them as they stood in a wide clearing, it was dark but Duncan pressed a button, at once several small lights of soft whites, glowing yellows and sweet pinks illuminated the space around them "Duncan what's this..." Kim asked under her breath, still taking in the beauty as the moon light shone in the dead centre "I-it's bea-" she started only to be cut off by Duncan's lips on hers. her heart exploded a million times over. just like Kim it was short, sweet and beautiful. Duncan held out his hand for her to take, she happily accepted it and he led her to the middle, he took his free hand onto her waist and held there connected hands up, Kim soon got what was going in and rested her hand on his shoulder, moved his hand off her waist quickly and pressed a button that sat in his lab coat pocket then returned his hand to were it sat before. The gentle music of flutes, pianos and harps played softly and he took a step back. soon enough they both danced to each other's rhythm that sang in perfect sink with music.

the moon was there spot light and the stars were there audience.

several yogscast oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now