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{OTP: Zoethian

{Shipping of: Zoey and Rythian

{as suggested by: my friends :3

{title: nightmares and monsters

-I take requests-

::WARNING:: this will be morbid and stuff, do not read if your not into this kinda stuff

Rythian and I waved goodbye to Teep as he left to see Ravs, he turned around and amazed back with his little dinosaur hand and left.

I turned to do my own thing and so did Rythian, I tinkered with my arm and he was working on his thaumonomicon ((holy shit I spelt that correctly o.o))

it wasn't long until I heard him calling me from his study "Zoey!" he shouted out, I quickly flicked the cover that hid all the wires back to ware it was and ran over to him, he turned around and met me in the middle "yeah Ryth?" I asked.

he let out a grin under his mask as his eyes changed from calming lilac to a deep ender purple, he raised his arm and without warning he pushed me back into the wall with his power, I look up at him, confused and afraid as he approached, backing me into a corner "R-Rythian" I stutter as he raised his hand again this time a purple flame coming from his palm I closed my eyes tightly and soon found a searing pain burn through my chest, I felt out of breath, like I would scream but I couldn't. tears formed in my eyes as I looked at his smile through his mask "It's your fault my home if gone" he hissed, each word like venom, he bent onto his knees and glared at me harshly, lifting his arm again this time instead if magic he punched me in the nose, I tried to shout but no noise came out "your worthless" he teased standing up and kicking me in the ribs several times repeating things like "your useless" "your worthless" "your nothing to me but filth" tears ran down my face, violent coughing was the only noise I could make until blood started to come out "oh am I hurting you... Zoeya" his eyes started glowing dead purple. he took pleasure in my pain.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me up then dragging me towards his desk, I faintly found my words "Rythian stop" I cried, he let go of my hair and quickly grabbed my good arm pinning it down on his wooden desk, he pulled out a small knife he had attached to his belt, I look at him shocked "now, you scream, and it only gets worse for you, got it" he spat harshly, slowly moving the knife towards to top of my arm, he slowly pushed it in while looking at my bleeding nose and pain-filled expression with pleasure. When the blade hit my nerves I resisted from scream out by biting my lip. He traced the knife slowly down my arm leaving a long bleeding cut from the top of my elbow to my wrist. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I let out a small scream but it was still load enough to infuriate him. he pulled the knife out, it's blade covered in my blood, blood ran down my arm onto my hand and onto his "I told you not to scream" I muttered to me, he covered my mouth with one of his bloody hands, I felt sick, the smell of my own blood was almost enough to make me throw up, he took the other hand, and slowly traced my long cut with a single finger, going up and down slowly "your blood is warm... and very thick" he teased looking down at it, he traced to the top of my arm again and forced his index finger and his thumb into the wound, causing me to scream through his hand "shut up, your only getting what you deserve" he moved his hand down opening the wound wider, making him laugh as he heard my screams grow loader, only to be muffled by his hand "you useless piece of shit, you can't do anything right, your useless"

I cried... tears burned my face and I wished he would stoped
".....oey... Zoey" I heard calls, I look up to Rythian but he was continuing to play around with my arm "Zoey" I heard one more shout.

My eyes shot open as my body plunged forward, sweat drenched my forehead while my heart raced "...Zoey?" a small calm voice asked, I turned my head to see Rythian sitting by the side if my bed, tears stared poring down my face, for once I was afraid of him, I felt a hand in my shoulder "Zoey" I looked into his eyes "are you ok?" he asked softly, that's when I finally came to realise, it was just a dream, I leaned closer to Rythian and wrapped my arms around him "I had a dream, you were telling me I was worthless, you were hurting me saying it's my fault blackrock was gone" I cried onto his shoulder, he pulled me closer to him making my cheeks feel red "I'm sorry i couldn't save blackrock Rythian" I sobbed "I don't care about that Zoey... I care about you, and your safe. that's all that matters, and don't you ever think I will hurt you, your safe as long as your here"

"yeah Zoey?"
"I- I love you"
"...I love you to"

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