The Setting

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A setting is where your story will take place.  Sometimes stories will be based on the setting that they are in and sometimes it is mentioned, but not important.  In a horror movie with a haunted house the haunted house would probably be a big part of the movie, whereas if it was a horror movie where the house is not important, it wouldn't really be a movie based on the setting.

Settings are fun to choose.  Sometimes settings can change the characters, for example, if the setting was the country, the characters might speak differently or look different to people living in the city.  Settings can also change the language you speak or the way you speak.  If it was a book based on someone living in Los Angeles, then the characters would most likely have American accents. Settings also tell us more about the characters.   Some settings have significant things in them that we would immediately spot and the know where the book is based in.  For example if it was in Italy and we saw the leaning tower of Pisa, we would say "OK that's obviously in Italy then."  

I have written down a list of some possible settings for a book below.  Fell free to browse.

- The country

- The beach

- The middle of nowhere

- Italy

- Scotland

- The lake

- Island

- Hawaii

- Haunted house

- Attic

- Basement

- Texas

- California

- Mansion

- Castle

- Park

- The Eiffel tower

- The Colosseum

- The leaning tower of Pisa

- Egypt

- Desert

- Antarctica

- The snow

- In a book

- Melbourne

- Under water

- On a ship

- At a friend's house.

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