2. Not Goodbye, just See Ya Later

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During my last few hours in Ireland, Niall called all his band members and their significant others to our house so that I could explain my reasoning for wanting to leave behind my life in Ireland.

There we all sat, squished around the table: Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, Aubrey, Kay, Julie, and Jake. Unfortunately for all of us, Harry's girlfriend Sara couldn't make it. Sara was always the light air that made every occasion a breath of fresh air.

Niall had just ended the call with Trevor's parents and discussed all the parameters of me coming to stay with them for the school year. I called my mom and talked to her about the move. She understood that I needed to stretch my wings and get away from my father. I wished my mom could do what I'm doing, getting away from him would make her the perfect parent.

"Hi guys," I started, "I wanted to tell you guys that I'm going to begin the transition of moving to California. I'm just starting with the school year, but I do want to eventually make it a permanent move." 

They sat there, silent. All stunned by the silence. Niall piped up from beside me, "You all know that as much as I love Layla, I want her to do what she feels she needs to do. And she feels like this is what she needs to do to deal with everything with our father and uh Jake." Niall looked down when bringing up Jake, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"We get it. I'd say you're a little young, but I get wanting to get away from a toxic setting. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me." Kay said, after realizing that nobody else knew what to say. "If anyone at this table could make it on their own at 15, it's you- Layla." She smiled.

"Yeah Kay is right. We're all here for you if you need us." Zayn said. Everyone aside from Jake nods. 

"I don't get why I'm here, being that Layla hates me so I'm leaving. Have fun whoring it out in LA." He rolled his eyes and removed himself from the table. 

After Jake leaves, I get up and start saying last farewells to the ones I love most before Niall breaks up the love fest and says that it was time to go. I hug them all one last time and promise I'll visit soon.


Once I'm in the car with Niall, I watch the scenery outside of my window. I'll miss Ireland, but I won't miss all the terrible things I went through in Ireland.

"Niall, I'm so sorry for not talking to you first. It was so wrong of me to just start making arrangements for myself without even asking you first." I looked into the rearview mirror as he was driving to the Airport.

"Layla, I can't be too mad at you for that because I did just up and audition for the X Factor. We both should have told each other things that we didn't. Let's start over with each other and from now on we tell each other everything and there will be no judgment from this moment on." He looked into the mirror and met his eyes. 


We pulled into the airport and Niall helped me with my bags.

"Layla Anne, if you need anything at all, promise you will call me."

"I promise," I smile, "I love you, Niall." 

"Love you too Layloo." I smiled, sadly, as I went to board my plane.


Boarding my plane was fairly easy, once I got past customs. Once on the plane, I found my seat next to the window and put my carryon in the cubby above my head. 

As I'm getting comfortable in my seat, a familiar-looking boy with brown hair plops down next to me.

"Oops! Sorry about that. I'm not great at smooth entrances." He smiled and I realized that he was Dylan Dauzat, a youtuber I watched all the time.

I smiled widely at the fact that he is sitting next to me for the long hours to come.

"Hi, Im Dylan, Dylan Dauzat." He grins shifting his attention towards me.

"Hi, I'm Layla Horan. I watch your YouTube videos at home" I laugh.

"Wait, let me get my phone out real quick! I want to take a picture!" He gasps.

"Make sure you tag me in that picture when you post it." I laugh as he clicks the picture.

"So what are you doing here on this flight?" He asks, after posting the picture on instagram.

"Well, I am going to live with my friend Trevor." I admit.

"Trevor from O2L?" He further questions and I nod.

"Oh that's sick! You'll probably be in quite a few of their videos." He smiles and I shrug.

I already knew that I was probably going to be in a few of their videos because I would be easy for them to collaborate with since I would practically be living with them.

"So Dylan what were you doing here on this side of the globe?"

"Just on a back packing thing my parents wanted me to do"

"The Climb?" I ask.

"Yeah! It was great." He smiled.

We talked the whole way there minus are naps every now and then. We exchanged numbers as the plane landed and I promised we'd keep in touch.



My eyes scanned the crowd anxiously as I look for Layla.

I had brought Kian and Andrea with me to the airport to accompany me.

When I finally see Layla I run to her happily. She drops her luggage and wraps her arms around me giving me a huge hug.

"I missed you so much!" I laugh. I can't believe I get to live with my best friend for the school year.

"I missed you too." She laughs. She turns and sees Kian and Andrea.

"Kian, what are you doing here?" Layla gasps and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You know Kian?" I ask after she hugs him and introduces herself to Andrea.

"I met him at a meet and greet a while back. We talked for a while but we lost contact."

"Oh..." I trail off.

"Let's get going!" Layla claps her hands together, excited.

"I'm so happy to see you. This has been such a long week. We still have a little over a month before school starts again so we can have fun till then. God this is gonna be the best year ever." I smile looking over to Layla.

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