15. Cade and Trevor

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Layla went into the other room to put on one of the maternity shirts I bought her which left me alone in the room with Cade.

"I don't think we've ever really talked to each other, have we?" I asked her.

"Uh no, I don't think so. I'm normally stuck with Kathleen and she doesn't let me do anything."

"Why do you hang out with her? She seems really fucking bitchy." Kathleen has made a point to make everyone's life a living hell if they were even a little different.

"I dunno, there was never anywhere else for me to go until Layla invited me to get Tacos the other day." She gave a small smile when she mentioned Layla.

"Layla is a really good person, confusing, but good." I notice how close Cade was sitting to me.

"I've heard that you have been really supportive of her and the pregnancy. That's really sweet of you. You must be just as good of a person as she is."

Cade leaned closer to Trevor until their lips finally touched. They didn't pull apart until Layla interrupted them.

"Why don't we start filming?" Layla asked before going really pale.

"Layla? Are you good?" I asked, I got up to grab her arm and balance her.

"I- I feel really hot. A-and I'm going to-to puke." At that moment, Layla went limp.

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