17. A conversation with my doctor

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    "Uh Doctor, can I ask you a question?" I say. I'm about to ask a question that could change my entire future.

"Of course you can Layla." Dr. Archer smiles at me, waiting for the question.

"So, I don't know who the father of my twins is and I was wondering if there was a way to find out before they're born? Just so that I can have some peace of mind." I really just want to know whether or not it's Kian or it's Sam. I'm praying that it's Sam because I don't want him to leave me.

"Well do you have an idea of who the father may be? We can draw some DNA but without anyone to test it against it wouldn't really matter."

"Oh yeah, sorry. It's either Sam or Kian and I don't know which one." I ring my hands nervously.

"It's a risky procedure but if you're sure you want it done I'll have it done. You just need samples of both of the fathers DNA also." Dr. Archer pats my knee.

"I'll call them and ask." I say.

Would Kian be willing to do this? Would Sam even want to know? All these thoughts were swirling in my head as I dialed the phone.


Both boys agreed to having the procedure done, they both wanted to get this out of the way as much as I did.

Once they arrived, I called Dr. Archer in and she had two nurses take Kian and Sam to a separate room to draw some DNA.

Dr. Archer grabbed two syringe looking tools and began to prep me for the procedure. She squeezed my hand and called in another assistant so they could get the twins' DNA at the same time. I'm not gonna lie, that shit hurt.

"We'll be back with your test results as soon as we have them. Now you need to rest Layla." Dr. Archer told me before leaving the room with her assistant and the DNA.

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