4. Tim, Nicole, and Blake Moran.

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Trevor had Kian and Andrea stop at his house so that we could drop off my bags and change into something more presentable than what I was in. 

"Mom! We're here!" Trevor called into his house that seemed too large for words to describe.

She came rushing down the stairs with 2 dogs right behind her.

"Hi, Im Nicole Moran, But you can call me Nikki, That's my husband, Tim, in there and the boy sitting next to him is Blake. Your room is right over here so you can set your bags right in there and change. And Trevor I want you back here early tonight so we can go school shopping tomorrow at 8:30am." Nikki said.

I changed while Nikki was talking to Trevor more about school. I found my hair brush and brushed out all the knots that had formed in my long blond hair. 

"Alright, I'm done." I said, stepping out of my room. "We can go now." Trevor said bye to his mom and ushered me out the door when Kian wailed on the car horn.



"Hey guys!! Everyone is waiting to meet Layla now, except Sam.. because he already knows Layla!" Kian yelled.

We got into the car where Andrea had put her head down on the side of the door. After 10 or so minutes we ended up at the O2L house. 

"Hi, TREVOR! WHO'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" Ricky asked from behind his camera. 

"This is Layla, She's no--" Trevor started

"Did someone say TREVOR AND GIRLFRIEND IN THE SAME SENTENCE? AWW THAT'S SWEET" Connor, also filming, yelled. 

Sam was approaching now. "Hey Layla! Long time no see! Ignore them, we all know you're not dating Trevor." He smiled at me and I felt him slide something into my back pocket. 

"Trevor, bring Layla to my room so we can film a video for my main channel!" JC said from across the yard. These guys spend a lot of time in front of the camera.. and I guess I will too now.


After everyone had settled down and was editing their new footage, I pulled out my phone and answered some of the texts I'd missed while enjoying my 1st day in California.

From- Jake Sheeran
Hey I know you don't want to talk to me. But Just want to update you on the stuff over here in the UK. 1: Poetry and Niall are engaged and 2: Sara is pregnant. Have fun! I've already seen some videos with you in them. I'm a better guy than them all combined, Layla. 

To- Jake Sheeran

Thanks for the update, but I mean it's not like Liam didn't already tell me... Jake get over it I don't like you anymore.  You cheated on me. I can't be with you. You hurt me way too much. I'm sorry. Goodbye.

To- Hazzabear

Congrats. Can't wait to meet Baby Styles when he or she is born. 

To- Nialler

Congrats on the engagement! You want to know how I am just watch some O2L videos.  Im fine Love you :*. Miss you!!

From- Hazzabear
Aww thanks. GTG love ya Lays.

From- Nialler
Thanks Layloo. And I've been watching their videos thank you very much. Layla! You'll never guess what Mom told me earlier today! She's pregnant again! GTG Layloo, I'll call soon.

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