Day 14

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"Let's go for a walk before we have to pack," Tobias says as he nuzzles into me. "I want a little alone time with you while I can still get it."
"Okay," I say through sleepy eyes. I step cautiously over our sleeping friends and head to the bathroom, pulling my still teased hair up into a ponytail and washing some of the glitter off my face before heading out.
"I need to change, I look ridiculous," I say as we walk down the corridor.
"No way. I totally dig the Madonna vibe you got going on." I give Tobias the side eye, and he laughs. "Okay, let's go."
One jeans and t-shirt change later, I feel more like myself.
"Much," I say. "So, where to?"
We pick up some croissants and hot tea, and I follow Tobias as we walk. When we end up at the Amity Atrium, I smile.
"Thought we might bring it back to the beginning," he says.
We sit under the tree we first kissed in, enjoying the sounds of the chirping birds that live in the atrium as we eat.
"I'm going to miss you," Tobias eventually says.
"I'm going to miss you too." I watch him as he looks around nervously. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," he says. "I just...I'm not really good with goodbyes."
"Me either," I whisper. "Let's try and think of it as...until next time. Or even to be continued, instead of a goodbye."
Tobias leans back against the trunk, and pulls me into him. We kiss and enjoy each others company for as long as we can, and still refuse to leave when Christina starts blowing up my phone.
"Okay, Okay, I'm coming," I say after finally answering. "I'm being summoned to help pack."
"Okay," Tobias says quietly. "I'll walk you back."
After going over Christina's list for the third time, and checking the whole room for the fifth, we both agree that we haven't forgotten anything. I run my hand along the photo album and smile as I zip it safely into my suitcase, along with my folder from the observatory, my first prize trophy and blue ribbon, and the not so dorky photo of Christina and me at the reef.
"You ready to say goodbye?" Christina asks.
"Not really."
"Yeah. Me either." She leans over and gives me a big hug. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"Being you. And having a good time. And letting go a little and meeting new people." She winks at the last one, and I smile. "Come on. Let's go say goodbye."
We meet everyone in front of The Burger Bar like we planned, and disembark together.
"Bye!" Marlene says as she starts the round of hugs. "I'm really glad we met you guys. We have to make sure to hang out at least once a week."
"Okay," I say with a smile.
I move down the line giving hugs and saying my goodbyes, and when I get to Zeke, I'm surprised when he pulls me in and whispers, "I'm really glad we met you."
"Me too," I say.
"And if you ever tell him I said anything, I will deny it and make you look crazy, but you make him a better person," he says, motioning his head to a confused looking Tobias. "In all the years I've known him, I don't think I've ever seen him open up like this. You're a good thing for him, Tris."
I smile and wipe away the sloppy kiss he plants on the side of my head as I walk over to Tobias.
"What was that all about?"
"Nothing. I think Zeke likes me." Tobias holds his arms out and gives Zeke a 'what the fuck' look. "Not like that," I say. "Just that he"
"I know. I'm just giving him a hard time." He leans in and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Can I tell you a secret?" he whispers against my skin.
"Yes," I say breathlessly.
"I like us too."
I close my eyes and pull Tobias into me, taking in every last second with him that I can.
"Tris, we have to go if we're going to make the train."
"Coming, Christina." I give Tobias one last kiss and slip a piece of paper in his hand. "My address, and everything else you need to get a hold of me. Text me when you get home."
"I will." Tobias gives me a small smile and waves as we leave.
My phone rings as we walk, and when I pull it out of my pocket, I see Tobias' face on the screen.
"Hey," I say. "It's been what, two minutes?"
"Three," he says. "Turn around."
I look back, and see everyone has climbed up onto whatever they can and are waving wildly. "Chris," I say nudging her.
"Awww!" she yells out. She starts blowing kisses to everyone, and I smile and do it to.

I didn't think it would be this short, but it was basically just their goodbyes. Because of the shortness of this chapter I'm gonna write an epilogue cause why not.
Thanks for reading!
Be brave,

Christina Eaton 🔥

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