Naruto Uzumaki, the story of the chosen one

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Hey. Yeah. I know. Another Naruto fic XD but my other two are kinda on hold until I find where I'm wanting to go, for now I know where I'm going with this! Anyways. I don't own Naruto. ;3;

"Talking human"
"Bijuu/Kami/Yami/Shi talking"


  "They dare to harm the chosen one!!??" A tall man with black hair and black eyes slammed his hand on a long white table embroidered with gold as he stares at a large sphere floating before himself and two others.
  "These filthy beings... we've hand delivered them a protector, yet they only wish to destroy or kill said protector."This next speaker was a tall woman with long spiky silver hair, she wore a white robe and had black eyes, with piercing red pupils. She was twirling a short Tantō blade in her right hand.
  "HOW DARE THEY!!" The silver haired woman and demonic looking man looked up shocked at their older sisters outbreak, somewhat fearful.
  "Kami?" The black haired man stared shocked. And worried that the woman would create a great flood as she had many years ago.
  The newly named Kami was shaking, her rage itself had caused a few earthquakes and a small volcanic eruption, she looked to her younger siblings "Yami... Shi... We must do... SOMETHING! We cannot allow them to harm our champion!!" The three siblings looked to one another, each looking for a clue as to what to do.
  Finally the dark haired man, Yami, spoke, "well... I suppose we could each give him a gift... and... possibly train him..?"
  The two sisters looked to each other and nodded, kami spoke first, her normal childish nature shining clear, "That's a great ide- WAIT. THAT MEANS NARUTO-KUN WILL COME HERE OH I NEED TO PUT A BETTER DRESS ON!!!!" She squealed and ran from the meeting room.
  The two younger siblings sighed at their older sister before returning to the large sphere.

~Naruto ~

  A young blond haired boy sat on a swing, his father, also a blond, sat beside him pushing him laughing with his son and smiling widely. The boys smile slowly faded to a confused look as he saw a boy with shorter, spikier blond hair come limping through.
  "Papa, whose that boy?" The smiling father looked up and made a disgusted face.
  "Come along Yoharu, that boy spells trouble" the father pulled his son out of the park, leaving it alone to the beaten, malnourished boy.
  The boy coughed up a handful of blood as he huddled under a bush, knowing it would get worse today... yet still he sung to himself...
  "Happy.. to me.... happy.. birthday... to..... me..." he heard footsteps, sounds of his impending doom, yet he continued to sing, "happy birthday.... dear... Naruto...." a large meaty hand pulled him from his hiding place, "happy... birthday... to.. me..." a matching hand to the one holding him began the beating.

~Kami's meeting room~

  The king of hell, the king of darkness, of vengence, was crying. Tears slipped down his Greyish skin as his fists clenched, his sisters soon walked in, each carrying a scroll.
  "Come, we are leaving now."The king of darkness stood, his hair covering his eyes as he grabs his sisters arms, "transport us now shi."Seeing how angry her brother was, she only nodded.
  Soon the three siblings were gone. Leaving only dust as they disappeared to the mortal realm.

~with Naruto~

  The blows grew harder, and harder as more and more people joined in, it seemed as though the entire village had band together, just to beat this child.
  Soon they stopped, the boys eyes were closed, stuck together from the blood running down his face. Soon the boy decided to speak, much to the villagers ire.
  "Why. Why do you hit me"
  The man with meaty hands was the first to answer "because demons deserve no mercy!"
  "Why am I a demon?"
  "You are the reborn Fox!"
  What did he mean, naruto sat still, before opening his mouth to speak again, only to feel a knife enter his arm, he clenched his mouth closed.
  "SILENCE. DEMONS DONT DESERVE TO SPEAK!!" A different voice, who was it. Naruto recognized the voice. Was it Fugaku? Oh well.
  Again the blows rained down on Naruto, this time the boy couldn't help but yelp in pain. The burning sensation of red hot metal on his skin, the feeling of a rope wrapping around his arm, and the nails entering with it. Soon his arms were bound to what felt like a wooden pole. At that moment he knew what was about to happen, and he actually smiled a bit. A small but noticeable smile graced his pained and bloody face.
  A fist connected with his jaw, wiping away the angelic smile, replacing it with a pained look. 
  "Stop smiling demon, because today you die!" Again the boy smiled and mouthed I know.
  Soon the men in the group gathered, most drunk with alcohol, others drink with rage, some with both. In the nearby woods a small girl with bluish hair watched as her crush was pinned up, set to die. So doing what any child would do she ran home crying.
  As Naruto sat he began coughing up blood as the villagers continued his seemingly eternal torment. Finally the blows stopped, only for a man to yank on Narutos hair, allowing him to see a larger fellow with long brownish hair, Fugaku Uchiha.
  The man sneered at the kid that Mikoto had allowed in their house so often, And then he smiled before activating his Mangekyo Sharingan. "This, demon. Is. Your. Death!!" The man smiled evilly and almost laughed in glee, he moved, allowing Naruto to see almost every Jonnin or chunnin Uchiha in the village.
  Fugaku soon stood infront of the boy again, "now.... DI-" his declaration was cut off as he looked down, only to be cut in half by a large sword.
  Gasps and wails were heard around the clearing as the "Uchiha Patriarch" died before them.
  Sure enough, whoever killed him, angered at the group, continued. None of them stood even a sliver of a chance as they were cut down one by one. Some being ripped in half by a large black Katana, others suddenly looking as though their bodies were drained of everything save for bone and skin, and even still others began screaming as their eyes burned from their sockets, truly a fitting death, for those who had treasured their "sacred" eyes  so.
When the massacre had finally ended Naruto felt his binds leave his arms dangling by his side. He coughed for minute before he attempted to raise his head, only to fall to his knees.
"Kami.... you.. heal the boy... I cannot...." he heard a deep voice speak, it sounded smooth, almost mesmerizing. Soon after he felt like his body was being enveloped by the heavens themselves, he felt his wounds close, his body felt better than ever.
"Are you alright young one?" This next voice was cool, precise, and yet Naruto could feel the care in the woman's tone. He tried to nod but soon found himself seemingly enveloped in a hug with a silk cloud, with the scent of an angel.
  "Don't worry anymore. We're here to make you aaaall better." This final voice seemed somewhat childish, yet at the same time it seemed to be the one holding the most power. The boy started to shake.
  "Hey... kid.... it'll.. be ok. Look. My sisters.. and I.. are going to train you... and then... you'll be back... and more powerful than ever..."
  With that, the quartet vanished, leaving only a gold embroidered note on the ground.

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