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"Talking human"
"Bijuu/Kami/Yami/Shi talking"

~~start- After Naruto twelfth birthday~~

Naruto spent a long while staring at the family he had lived with for over six years, Kurumi was seemingly the only one leaving with him, as she had reentered the seal. Over the last three years of training he hadn't changed his style at all, save for continuing to let his hair grow into a longer pony tail.
As Naruto stood, waiting for the two sisters to come he was talking with his family, remembering all the good times. He remembered everything he had been taught, and everything he had created after hearing what others had done.
As Naruto was talking the large doors creaked open, and all were silent.
"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, you have trained and honed your abilities for six years, and while some are still locked, you will gain access to them soon enough, but now is not the time to talk about this," Naruto looked at the tall man that had become an older brother figure to him, as he choked on his seemingly professional words, and so Naruto hugged the taller man tightly.
"Come on Nii-San, it's not goodbye forever." Naruto said softly, his voice which had once been raspy, was now smooth as silk.
"You are correct, but the next time we meet will be when you go through the pain of death for the first time..." tears welled into Yamis eyes for a moment before he shock his head and let go of Naruto, "...Naruto, you have become like family to all here, and while they will continue to reside in the castle one will be leaving with you, in order to see his friend be brought home."
Seeing her brothers exasperation, Shi stepped in and looked at Naruto, "Naruto we have all come to love you, it is hard to say goodbye, but it is time to send you home."
Naruto nodded sadly and hugged shin before running and hugging Kami. He then turned to his father and adopted grandfathers, each ones eyes wet with tears.
First Naruto went to his father, "well pa, guess this is bye..." Naruto was silently crying, not wanting to leave his family once again.
"Yes Naruto... it is. I was offered to go with you... but...." Naruto held his hand up.
"I know, you gotta keep looking for ma, give her a hug for me when you see her."
Naruto turned to his grandfathers, and smiled to them, both of them acting as though they were too tough to cry.
Naruto turned to ahi, seeing Shisui waiting in front of her. Naruto walked to her, and gave one last glance back, before waving goodbye.

~~with Sarutobi~~

It had been a long six years, Kakashi was mentally unstable, but drove himself into his work, after he had found out Naruto, his sensei's son had vanished. Sarutobi had told the village of Narutos heritage, and now he was wanted for his genes, for the CRA...
'Damn it... where did I go wrong Hashirama-sensei....' Sarutobi looked to the sky, his old age showing as Kakashi stood beside him on alert, his small blade unsheathed.
"Would you remind me why we are here Hokage-sama?" Kakashi said as he looked around the large field they had camped in for the past day.
"There is someone that is supposed to meet me here that you need to see." Sarutobi stated, though he was beginning to lose hope, it was late, and this night was to be the last they stayed.
Sarutobi sighed and turned his back to the clearing "though I am guessing he is not coming." His voice was not laced with sorrow, instead it was drowned in it.
Kakashi looked confused under his mask, he too turned his back, but only for a split second, before he slipped into a battle stance as his hairs stood on end from a small amount of electricity in the air. Soon, they saw why there was electricity in the air as two large lightening bolts hit the ground, yet strangely did not harm the surrounding area, instead it seemed to cause the grass and flowers to bloom and grow taller, the trees each bearing fruits, flowers, sap, or colorful leaves. The Kage ANBU duo were shocked, even more so when their eyes readjusted to the light.
First was a tall young man wearing a black shirt bearing the Uchiha symbol on the front, and a red cloak with the collar going up to his ears. He wore black pants and no shoes. His eyes were closed, but something told the two he could see everything around him. He had long black hair, in the same style as the great Madara Uchiha's.
Next was a smaller boy, yet he seemed strong in his own way, and it was almost as though they could feel the potential in the boy, he wore a fishnet shirt that only barely covered his toned body and the seals covering said body. Over his shirt he wore a short black cloak with strange purple swirls seemingly moving around it, around the neck of the cloak were 10 Magatama, a sword hilt peeking over his left shoulder. He wore tight fitting black pants with a similar patter as the cloak on them, only the color was a golden brown, just as the man beside him he wore no shoes, yet he kept his eyes open, his shining sky blue eyes. He had blond hair going to his mid torso, seeming to wave to the duo, signifying who he was.
"Ne Shisui-nii, it's a beautiful night, isn't it..?" The blond spoke first, his voice soft, and smooth.
"Of course!" Whispered the hokage to Kakashi, of whom both had taken to hiding in a nearby bush, "Shisui Uchiha! But... he's dead.." this was a cause of concern for the two, as Kakashi had spoken at shisui's funeral.
Shisui suddenly opened his eyes, showing his slowly spinning Mangekyo Sharingan, "you've sensed them as well have you not?" Kakashi and Sarutobi shuddered and quickly turned around as they were both kicked by a shadow clone and caught by the Uchiha.
"Of course Nii-Chan, I haven't been training for nothing!" Sarutobi slowly moved away from Shisui and to the blond.
"N-Naruto...?" Sarutobi voice shook, tears threatening to wet his wrinkled old face.
"Ya Jiji, its me!" The two hugged tightly as Shisui watched on, beside a confused and shaking Kakashi.
"Hokage-Sama... what's going on here. Naruto went missing..?" Kakashi removed his mask from his face into his hand.
"Ah you see... I have not told you the complete truth..." the hokage reached onto his robes and handed his most loyal ANBU a small slip of paper with golden embroideries.
Kakashi's open eye scanned over the sheet Before he let both the paper and his mask slip from his hands. He looks to his sense is son, and tears began falling.
Naruto looked to Kakashi and smiled, "tou-san had a message for you.." kakashis tears slowed as he looked up "..I'm proud of you Kakashi, and I hope you will be my sons newest sensei."
Kakashi clenched his fist before standing up and bowing to Naruto "nothing would make me happier."
Sarutobi would have smiled, had it not been for the previously presumed dead Shisui smiling behind the group.
"Shisui Uchiha," Shisui assumed his ANBU bow and then stood straight as he looked to the Hokage, "explain to me how you are here."
"That is not my story sir, all I can say is 'it is a gift from the Shinigami'." Sarutobi slowly nodded as Shisui turned to his adopted brother, "Naruto, did you not have another message for Hokage-sama?"
Naruto snapped up and nodded before walking to Sarutobi and slapping him. Leaving the three shocked, as Not even Shisui knew what the message was supposed to be, only to help Naruto deliver it.
"'Get a hold of yourself monkey, the village is a military run town, not for villagers, you rule. Now get your head out of your ass, and start showing your chest to the pansies to weak to go on the field'. That was.. from Hashi-Jiji... hehe" Naruto finished as something snapped in Sarutobis eyes and he began looking serious.
"Let us head to the village so that the two of you may receive.. well I'll just say they're a few welcome home presents."

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