The training begins with a gift

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I'm very inspired with this if you couldn't tell.
"Talking human"
"Bijuu/Kami/Yami/Shi talking"


Naruto suddenly awoke with a start, his body shaking and his hands clasping a smooth silky something in his hands. As the boy opened his eyes he noticed that we was grasping a red silk blanket with a golden outlining.
  Naruto turned his gaze from the covering and gasped, he was in a large room, with light lavender walls, the ceiling was a reddish color, the color somewhat bled into the lavender mixing with it at the top of the roof. The floor had a black carpeting, with again the color mixing into the lavender, leaving only a thin line of pure lavender in the middle of the wall.
  Other than the wired colors and proportions, the room was otherwise normal. As Naruto looked around he failed to hear the door open, and the same calm voice from the day before spoke to him once more.
"I see you are awake young one. How do you feel?" This time the voice did not seem to try to analyze him, instead it was worried.
Before speaking the boy turned to the voice, only to stare in shock. The woman before him had long silver hair, flowing down to her waist line. She had a white robe on going down to her ankles, her eyes were a dark black with piercing red pupils. She had a Tantō on her hip, and radiated power beyond Naruto's wildest dreams.
"I-I'm f-f-fine." His voice was shaking like an earthquake, almost lost in the beauty of the woman before him.
"Are you sure? Your face is red" she leaned foreword to check the child's temperature and found the six year olds temperature normal.
"You're... very p-pretty miss... um.." the boy struggled to remember something he was never told.
"Call me Shi child." The woman smiled to Naruto before beckoning him to follow her.
  "U-um where are we going miss Shi?" The boy asked aloud, trying to be polite as her aura scared the child.
  "Ah, my older brother and sister wish to talk with you, after we will each give you a gift." The woman smiles softly as the boys eyes lit up and he nearly ran ahead of her, not Doing so only because of knowing he'd be lost.
  After around a minute of walking the duo exited whatever building they had been in, entering a large and lush forest. This mass of trees seemed to radiate a feeling of good life, of calmness, and yet still, of danger. At the edge of the forest sat two other powerful beings.
  The first was a tall man, he had shoulder length black hair, resting on his dark ashy grey skin. His eyes were red, with black pupils, the veins around his eyes were outlined in blood red. Like his younger sister, he wore a cloak, although his was black and looked to be more like a kimono.
  Finally was a tall woman, one radiating with more power than the two combined, she had long flowing golden hair, it was curly and almost unruly, yet it stayed together, it didn't look messy either. She had calm eyes, looking more human, she had forest green eyes. She wore long white robes, kept together by a golden sash, attached to a golden belt.
  The tall woman bore an almost childish smile as the man looked to be fuming in anger.
  "That was a very unamusing prank sister, how could you?!" The man spoke, his voice carrying power.
  "HAHAHAHAHAH YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE!! HEEHEEHEE!!" Although her brother grew angrier the woman only continued to laugh.
  Naruto looked up at shi confused, and watched her eyebrow twitch. Suddenly the woman beside him vanished, only to reappear beside her siblings and bash them both on the head.
  "We. Have. A. Guest. Behave." The two older siblings shrunk under the "death" glare of the youngest. (Haha. Puns.)
  Soon enough They turned to the shaking boy at the entrance. As they stepped foreword, so did he. Soon the four met in the middle of the clearing, each of the older beings ready to bestow their gifts to their champion, the later being a child, excited to be given anything.
  First the ashen man stepped up "Hello child, my name.. is Yami.." this gained a shocked gasp and a state of awe from the boy, who was intent on speaking until the larger man held his hand up, "allow us to bestow our gifts first child, then you may ask questions.. understand?" The speechless child nodded.
  "Good, now, my gift is first." A black flame engulfed his hand before he flicked his wrist, showing a large sword, it seemed as though the sword was covered in scales. It was straight bladed, with only one sharp edge that came down as a hand guard, but ended unattached to the handle, as the being handed the blade to Naruto, it shrunk to adjust to his size and strength for easier use. "This, dear child, is the Yami no Me, or, Yami's Eyes. This blade has nine eyes, and a complete control over all fires and shadows, as each eye opens new abilities become available, but beware, as the blade lives off of the souls of its victims, feeding on their sins." He could see Ye boy did not fully understand, and sighing he continued, "I will tell you more as you grow child" he gave the boy a loving pat on his head and stepped back.
  Next, was the woman, "Hello dear boy, my name, is Kami," once again Naruto was shocked, he went to go to one knee before the woman stopped him, "Please do not go on your knee child, I am only your sensei after all, now as for your gift.." she pressed her hand to his stomach, and then his eye lids, and once again his stomach, "I have blessed you with the powers of the Rikido Sennin's eyes, along with the ability to use the Yin and Yang chakras." She stepped back to stand beside her brother smiling.
  Finally was Shi, "I am sure you have guessed my identity by now?" the boy nodded, absent mindedly, so the woman continued by raising four coffins, each baring a different symbol. The first bore the insignia of the Uchiha, Naruto noticed it had the calmest chakra network.
  'Wait, how'd I notice that?!' He shrugged it off before looking at the other three coffins.the next had a three pronged Kunai, with an Uzumaki swirl on the back, this one was also calm, but much larger. The third hand the Senju symbol, the roots had sprouted from the ground around this coffin. This ones chakra was bigger than the first two combined, yet even calmer.
  The final coffin almost blinded Naruto, he couldn't even see the symbol! It was like an ant staring into the sun from mercury.
  "My first gift, is four trainers, each one very powerful and with a gift of their own, the first, Shisui Uchiha," the first coffins door creaked open, revealing a boy with a black shirt on, said shirts collar seemed to go around his entire neck yet stayed a bits away, he had on a sheath for his sword strapped to his left side, made of leather that covered his heart area over this shirt. His eyes were in their Mangekyo Sharingan form, which looked like a large four point throwing star. He wore baggy black pants, tightened around his ankles with bandages, finishing the look with sandals.
  "Shisui, have you brought a gift for the boy?" The shining am I questioned the boy lightly.
  "I-I do Shinigami-sama." He turned to the child in front of him, "Naruto, to you I bestow my mangekyo Sharingan, please, use it to keep your loved ones safe." He walked foreword and tapped Naruto forehead, sending a jolt of pain through the boys eyes as they awakened two bloodlines, and mixed them, yet only activating the sharingan visibly.
  "Thank you Shisui, and next Naruto, is your father." Tears springs to an orphaned child's eyes as he looked up at the queen of death and transporter of souls. He smiles almost worriedly, worried it was all a cruel dream. "Minato, step out." This time the. Coffins door fell from its hinges, out stepped a man with long blonde hair, wearing a long white clone with flames springing from the bottom. Below that was a flack jacket over a dark navy blue shirt. He wore baggy dark blue pants, like Shisui, kept down with bandages, although he also had bandages wrapped around his right leg, just above his knee. "Minato's gift is from me, you will get that when your training is completed."
  Naruto ran foreword, tackling the man before him. Minato was forced to the ground, by a crying child. Tears sprang from his eyes also as he saw his child.
  "Minato, Naruto, as heart warming as this is, there are still two others. You will have time to catch up before Narutos training begins tomorrow," as the two parted shi smiles while Naruto stayed by A very shocked Shisui and his father, "now then, next is-

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