are you okay?

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part 1:
what does being "okay" even mean? does it mean you're happy? I guess I'm happy, happy enough to shed some real smiles. does it mean you're stable? I know I'm not stable, but I'll live with it. does it mean you're content? I'm pretty content in all honesty. the dictionary definition of "okay" is: "satisfactory but not exceptionally or especially good". so am I "okay"? if anything, I am numb. I'm just here. I am existing. I am going through life. I feel nothing. I am simply alive. but doesn't being alive make someone "okay", or does being alive cause someone to not be "okay"?

part 2:
I'm the girl who is trying to figure out who she is. & wow is she getting somewhere. she has learned to accept due to previously being unaccepted. she has learned to forgive due to being unforgiven. she has learned to be understanding due to previously being misunderstood. she has learned to smile through tears. she has learned that tears are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. she has learned that strength can only go so far, & that sometimes we have to let our guard down. she has learned that letting your guard down will only empower you later, being vulnerable is not a bad thing. she has learned to find happiness in hell. she is me, & I am happy with who I am.


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