50 reminders for those with a quivering smile & shattered confidence

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50 reminders for those with a quivering smile & shattered confidence:

1. Never allow others to cause you to feel less than you truly are.
2. You are not inferior to them, you are not inferior to anyone.
3. Stand your ground.
4. The pain you feel now will pass as though a storm. it will shake you up & cause an ugly mess. storms pass, sun shines.
5. You will prevail.
6. You are strong.
7. Strength is not keeping it together, but also letting everything go. Unbottle your emotions.
8. Letting everything go is not a sign of weakness. It shows you have feelings, that you are human.
9. Weakness leads to strength.
10. Beating yourself up will not build you up.
11. Appreciate who you are. if you appreciate yourself, you're golden.
12. You have worth. You have purpose. You are important.
13. People will do anything to cause other people to feel as they feel. If people feel upset, they will drag you down with them. Don't associate with those people.
14. You have your own brain, think for yourself.
15. Your opinion is valid, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily correct. Opinions are not right or wrong, they are merely what a person feels.
16. Don't penalize another for having an opinion.
17. Be a role model. Youngsters look up to you. Be someone you'd want your own child to look up to & emulate.
18. Remember that your own happiness matters.
19. Sometimes it's better to take care of yourself before others, sometimes it's okay to be selfish rather than selfless.
20. Try to put others before yourself though.
21. Grades do not merely define the complexity & individuality of who you are.
22. But try to do well in school, keep up with homework, keep up with projects, try your best.
23. You don't always have to be the best, but you have to try your hardest to be your best.
24. There's always someone better, but that shouldn't contain you.
25. Stay motivated.
26. Stay passionate.
27. Use something harmless as an escape: music, drawing, working out, dancing.
28. Never, ever turn to drugs, alcohol, or self-harm; you are greater than that.
29. Gain mental toughness.
30. Make today better than yesterday.
31. Don't stress over what you can't change, don't stress over minuscule situations.
32. Learn to stay calm & collected.
33. Do what you love & don't give up on it.
34. You can do it.
35. Learn to sympathize & empathize, also learn when it is appropriate for either.
36. You are a beautiful, blossoming human being. You are still growing, you are still learning.
37. Flowers grow even after they are stepped on, so will you.
38. You can overcome.
39. You will overcome.
40. Keep your head held high, & a smile on your face.
41. You are alive. You have lived to see another day.
42. You are an amazing human being.
43. You can & you will defeat any obstacle.
44. Sometimes you hit a low, stay hopeful.
45. Sometimes you're on top, stay humble.
46. Sometimes you're in between, embrace the next curveball life throws you.
47. Nothing & no one can stop you from chasing your dreams.
48. Win that race, live your dream.
49. Everything you experience will be beneficial, even negative experiences. They will shape you to become a wise, dignified person.
50. You are not alone.

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