for the post-secondary school newbies

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For the Post-Secondary School Newbies:

1. what got you through high school won't get you through college
2. break those bad habits
3. study, study, study
4. someone is paying countless amounts of money for you to attend college, so do things right
5. go to class
6. do your homework
7. always choose classwork over a night out, always
8. what you do not determines your future career
9. communicate with your professors
10. professors are not monsters, they are human beings
11. your professors want you to succeed, talk to them if you need help with something
12. get involved
13. go to sporting events
14. don't forget about your friends back home
15. call your family often
16. you will miss home cooked meals
17. you will also miss the desserts your family used to make
18. not having a car is rough, but there are a lot of resources on campus
19. stay motivated
20. you're here to benefit yourself
21. it's okay to be selfish when it comes to schoolwork
22. don't let others drag you down
23. don't fall under peer pressure
24. if you choose to drink, do it responsibly
25. always have protected sex, get screenings if you have multiple partners
26. it's okay to stay in
27. it's okay not to have sex
28. the freshman 15 isn't real unless you let it be
29. manage your stress
30. exercise, it helps with stress
31. make sure you sleep, your brain & body need rest to recooperate
32. 9ams might be rough, 8ams are rougher
33. these are the best four years of your life, not the ones in high school
34. make new friends, hear their stories
35. study a little bit every day, when finals roll around you'll be more than ready

Getting Through LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora