i still do

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& I hope she appreciates the stories your eyes tell,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates every syllable that comes from your mouth,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the soft touch of your lips on hers,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the warmth & safety of your arms,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates all the stories you tell,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the way your hands interlock,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the radiance of your smile,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the sweet melody of your laugh,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the little compliments you give her,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the way you play with her hair while she's resting her head on your chest,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the comfort of being close to you,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the rhythm of your heartbeat,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates every perfect imperfection about you,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the way you love her,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates every minuscule thing about who you are,
because I sure did.
& I hope she appreciates the valuable time she has with you,
because I sure did.

because I still do.


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