Chapter 1: Family

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DISCLAIMER: I do not won anything in this story except the plot. FNaF belongs to Mr Scott Cawthon. The pictures used for this story belong to their respective owners. Enough disclaimer, enjoy the story!

Another day at Freddy Fazbear’s pizza. The warmth of the sun and the smiling faces of the children was all Freddy and the gang needed to have an amazing day. Well, almost....
??? P.O.V
He’s singing. I love it when he sings. His voice is so perfect for the songs, all of them, I swear they must pick them just for him. It’s not like I’m going to complain though. His voice is different, and not just because he's British. He seems.... confident. Proud of himself. He should be. His voice could soothe a screaming child to sleep. His voice is like a soft lullaby, it’s there, and you are safe. He could enchant someone, make them fall in love simply by talking. And fall in love I did.
I’m so focused on his voice and his singing I mess up a chord on my guitar. It’s more or less okay though. Nobody really notices. At least, nobody but him, who is unfortunately the last person I'd want to criticise me. I can tell because he twitched and he only does that when things aren't perfect. Like me.....
We end the song after what seems like an eternity and he announces to the kids that it's time to go home. In that amazing  voice. Have I mentioned I love his voice? I can’t remember if I have.
The kids all leave, and Foxy comes over to the stage. “Well done lad. That last song was really good. I swear on me heart you’re playing better than ever.” This makes me blush - I'm new here and always worried about my abilities and my behaviour and I ramble sometimes. Have I mentioned that I ramble? Hopefully nobody minds.....
“Well done?? His ‘best performance yet’? He almost missed a whole bar of that song. A WHOLE BAR!! If I didn’t know any better, if I didn’t know you, I’d say that you’re satisfactory at best Bonnie.” Needless to say, this hurts me. My ears droop and I know I look weak. I just can’t help it. I look up when I hear him continue, “But I do know better. I know you, Bonnie, and I get that it's difficult but can you PLEASE try harder! We have a party this weekend, and it will fall to pieces if YOU mess up. Not me. Not Chica. Not Foxy. You.”
I know he's right, and it still hurts, just not as much as I show. “Come on lad, weren't you gonna try and teach me to play that thing?” Foxy punches my shoulder lightly. Thanks Foxy. He's like my big bro. He knows just how to make me smile.
Chica smiles too, and responds with..... not the most motivating pep talk ever, but I'll take it. “Have fun with that Bonnie. Foxy’s a nightmare to teach!”
I assure her that I will, and walk off with Foxy to the Cove.
Freddy’s P.O.V
“Hey, Freddy, why are you so mean to Bonnie all the time?” Chica complained dramatically the instant Foxy and Bonnie were both out of earshot. “I mean, he's new, and he's still learning, and you know nobody can play guitar as well as you so why are you so hard on him? I don't get it.” She looks upset and almost... disappointed? I see right through her. She thinks that if she flirts with me and makes me feel even more important than I already am (which, by the way is completely unnecessary) then I'm going to be nicer to Bonnie. Well. I am in charge, not her, and I will treat her, and Foxy, and Bonnie however I want to.
“Chica, darling, if you want to try to boss people about, you can leave here, go and build your own restaurant and yell at people there. Bonnie needs to learn to play. And if he is learning, he needs to do it quicker. I am in charge, and I make the rules. Do I make myself clear?” The look on her face is priceless. I honestly cannot properly contain myself, it’s too funny. She responds with a murmured “Crystal clear, sir” and walks off, presumably to get pizza for the boys.
Bonnie’s P.O.V
“Crap!” I throw my guitar down in frustration and a string snaps, causing me to curse more. Foxy isn’t being much help. He's just sitting  there. LAUGHING.
“WHAT? C'mon, tell me, what’s so funny? Is it that I'm angry? Is it because I swore? C'mon then, TELL ME! What's there to be afraid of, huh?” He's... He's still just laughing. “S-sorry lad, you're just, just, being so ridiculous all ‘FITE ME BRUH!’  And I just, just, HAHAHAHHAAHHAH OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO FUNNY!” Y’know, when you put it like that, it is pretty funny actually. I tell Foxy this and he grins. “See lad, laughter is always the best medicine. None of that human stuff. Like ‘Durr, I ate a weird shit and feel like crap so I'm gonna eat some other weird shit and hope I get better durrr!!’ y'know? It makes no sense! Like wtf humans!” at this point we're both on the floor laughing. Why and how is that fox so funny!
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and Foxy’s grin is replaced with a serious expression. “So, lad, why are you so stressed? You know you’re amazing at guitar, we all know that, so what is there to worry about?” I don’t want to answer him, but I do anyways and prepare myself for him to yell. “I know. I just wanna be better so Freddy will appreciate me. If he thinks I can’t play guitar, I can’t play guita. Can't you see that Foxy? I just wanna make him proud.” I have tears in my eyes at this point. It's too much to handle. “I just want him to accept me. For me, not because I'm popular, or I'm the newbie. Why can't he just accept me for who I am?” I give in, my tears streaming down my face. I can't take it anymore. I’m sick of having to hide how I feel, to mask my emotions. The whole world can probably hear me crying right now, but I don’t care. I just wanna let everything out. I wanna know that there’s always someone there for me, no matter who they are. Foxy puts a hand on my shoulder, and looks me dead in the eyes. “You’re a part of our family Bonnie. Nothing is gonna change that lad, whether Freddy likes it or not.” I can’t help but smile. Foxy is the best bro a guy could ask for.
At that moment, Chica walks in with pizzas. Mmm, pizza. I’m drooling right now because they smell so GOOD. “These don’t have meat on them, do they Chica? You know I’m a vegetarian.” She rolls her eyes at me but confirms that no, they don’t, and me and Foxy dig in without any further notice. And then I remember something. “Hey Foxy, remember earlier you did that human impression? That was good. Do it again, Chica’s missing out. If... if you want, I mean. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you or anything. I just thought it was funny.” Foxy chuckles at my shy behaviour but does ass I asked, resulting with the best expression from Chica. “Foxy that was so FUNNY! Like, ‘Dur dur, I’m a human durr’” We all laugh and the rest of the evening we tell each other jokes and funny stories, including one time when I ate a pizza covered entirely with spicy chilli peppers. Before we know it, it’s 11:50 and me and Chica have to go back to our stage and try to catch that exoskeleton. We say goodbye and wait for 12:00 in silence.

The whole night, there's only one thing on my mind: I'm gonna confess tomorrow. I’m going to tell Freddy how I feel about him.

First story on here, please try not to hate on it!! Constructive criticism is always welcome, and please let me know if there are any errors in this. Note that I expect some, I finished this at 3am this morning. Please vote, comment and share with your friends- it would really make my day! Bye guys!

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