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Bonnie’s P.O.V
I can see Endo. He's right there. I can hear him. He's panicking, and I can't say I blame him. If I was trying to defend myself because I was breaking one of the rules, I would be scared too. Me and Chica have a plan. She’s gonna be invisible and Endo is gonna be so focused on trying to find her he forgets about me. I can sneak in and turn him off.

1:00am. Chica starts moving. I watch her leave. That's another part of our plan. Endo expects me to move first. Chica always waits until 2 or 3 usually. So he is probably worried. I wander off backstage when the stage camera turns off- I can catch him off guard and sneak around the building. The backstage camera flickers to life. I stare it in the face, waiting till that red light goes out. I slip out silently and tiptoe past Foxy’s cove into the hallway. The camera there stares right at me, and I watch it intently. Then it shuts down with a hum. Chica is making noise in the kitchen to distract Endo. I walk into the supply closet and leave it almost immediately, favouring to wait in the corner. I creep closer towards the office. It's pretty funny really. That office was originally for humans to make sure nobody breaks in. Weird how they never used it...

I distract myself from my thoughts as I notice that Endo isn’t watching me. I slip inside his office and pull down the monitor, with a loud screech in his face. This alerts Freddy, who arrives immediately and drags Endo off to get him in costume.

While he's busy, me and Chica start talking. She's like my big sister. My big sister who ships everything. I've seen her notebook.
“So what’s up Bonnie? I know you're upset about something, I have known you for years.” Another great thing about Chica is l can tell her anything.
“I may or may not really like someone, why?” I respond. I know she’s worried about me, so I'm blunt about it. Besides, if she doesn't like that I'm gay, she isn't worth my time. I have Foxy to hang out with anyways. It might not be the same, but it's something.
“That’s..... that’s it? I have known about your crush on Freddy for YEARS, Bonnie. You think I'm shocked? I’ve known you liked him longer than you knew you did.” Wow. I did NOT know that. She really is my sister. “I think you should tell him. Be romantic. Write a poem or something, I dunno. Smooch him for all I care, just do it. If you don't tell Freddy tonight, I don’t think you ever will. He's busier now. You guys aren’t gonna have long together unless he makes time, which he won’t do if he thinks you’re just friends. Look, practice with me. Pretend I'm Freddy.”
“O-okay.” Why am I still nervous? It’s just Chica. It’s just one person. I can do this. Just tell her everything, pretend she's Freddy. That’s all I gotta do. Okay, here goes nothing...

“Freddy, I have known you for a long time now. And I gotta tell you I... No. When I first came here I was lost. I didn't know what to do, how to act, I didn’t know anything. But then I met you, and I was okay after that. You showed me what to do, how to act around the kids, heck, you even taught me how to play guitar. I looked up to you. You were my role model. You still are, but it's different now. I... I used to see you as my-my  mentor, someone to help me settle here. But then everything changed. I got this fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever I saw you. Whenever you spoke I was at peace. I fell in LOVE with you Freddy, and the worst part of it is that I still am. You make my world brighter. I’m so in love with you, and it hurts so BAD because I always feel like I’m doing something wrong. I always feel like I can't do anything. I just want to be accepted, I want you to love me like, like I love you, but I know you won’t-no- I know you CAN’T and it HURTS. It hurts so bad Freddy. But I love you, and I will until the end of time, and beyond that.”
Chica stares at me. “Talk about romantic, that was awesome!” But I’m not looking at her. I’m looking behind her.

At Freddy.

I don’t know if Chica can canonically turn invisible. I think she can, because when she moves out the party room, I can never find her. Bonnie can teleport in this A.U.
Hope you likes chapter 2, this was not the original plan! I'm going to post what I had for chapter 2 next, it's not a different chapter and I don't want you to think that.

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