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Bonnie’s P.O.V
I’m avoiding him. I have to. He hates me. I know he does. I just poured my heart and soul out to him. I'm GAY. I don’t blame him for hating me though. I would hate me too. I just don’t want this to get in the way of us not performing at a good level. I'll go find Foxy. He always knows what to say.

“So yer tellin’ me that ye ‘ave as good as told th’ lad how ye felt about him, how amazin’ he could make ye feel, and ye left wit’out seein’ if he felt th’ same? Or if he at least still accepted ye fer th’ amazin’ lad he are?” When you put it like that it does sound kinda dumb. Freddy isn’t gonna avoid me. Right? I mean, he's the most forgiving person I know! “I mean, I know he ain’t exactly th’ most carin’ or fergivin’ lad ever, but I know he loves ye th’ most out of all of us. What have ye got to loose by talkin’ to him, eh laddie?” Foxy, once again being my voice of reason. But he doesn’t get it.
“Foxy. He saw me practicing telling him that I’M GAY FOR HIM. I’m not saying I won't talk to him, I just need time to prepare.” I’m ignoring the fact that trying to prepare myself was what got me into this mess in the first place. Foxy looks sceptical, but I know he can’t do anything if I’m not ready.
“Take all th’ time ye need laddie. Just remember that Freddy won't always be willin’ to accept ye apology, fer not talkin’ to him or anythin’.” I know he's right, but it still doesn’t feel good. Now all I have to do is work up the courage to talk to the love of my life. Easy!

Freddy’s P.O.V
Why? Why didn’t he tell me? Why didn't Chica tell me? Bonnie should have told me how he felt. I could have told him how I felt, and it would have been happy ever after. But he didn’t. Now he's going to hate me. I was eavesdropping, and he was telling Chica he liked me. I've been trying to figure things out, because Bonnie isn’t talking. Whenever he sees me he runs to the nearest room. I don't know why he won't talk, but I think I know who might. I just hope he doesn’t hate me, too. I hope he remembers who I am.....

Bonnie’s P.O.V
“Freddy?” I call out for the 100th time. I decided to go in for the kill. Biding my time won’t get me anywhere. I have to find him now. “FREDDY!” I call again. He isn't around, and I've been searching all afternoon. Thank the stars we're closed until Saturday, or else we would be in trouble. No Bonnie OR Freddy in sight.

Speaking of sight, I spot a dark top hat in the back room. Freddy! I run over to it, to see another door I hadn't noticed before and a bear-like shadow down it's dark hall. “Freddy, wait!” I yell. The shadowy figure turns around, I can see Freddy’s eyes glowing in the dark and illuminating his face. I realize that I must look similar, and I recollect my thoughts just in time to see Freddy run in the opposite direction from me. Now who's avoiding who? “FREDDY I KNOW YOU'RE THERE!” I try again. I sigh in disappointment. There’s no point in trying. Any hopes of catching up with Freddy are long gone. I don't understand why he was running away though, but I know I can't tell Foxy or Chica. I do wonder what he was doing though.....

and I can’t help but think that it was about me, in a good light or a bad light I don't know.

A/N And that's chapter 3 out one day later!! Woohoo celebration! Leave a comment as to who you think he is, and what Freddy is doing!
Stay awesome,

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