07 | Lack of Familiarity

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The Shuddering Woods was buzzing in the early morning air with the soft chirping of the birds and the breaths of whispering breezes echoing deep into the wilderness. It was the sound of a sleeping forest, unable to be stirred by just a mere cut on a tree or an acre of deforestation. The forest was in a self-induced coma, only to be awakened by the one who breathed the life into their very branches. Thus, the timberland continued to breathe peacefully, inhaling the northern winds and slight saltiness of the eastern breeze that may weave its way through. The old forest continued to sway rhythmically, the branches stirring together to make an ensemble of full breaths that only those who payed close attention could hear. Among the breath of the slumbering trees, there was a distinct growl, effectively arousing the youngest Queen of Old, Lucy.

Her vibrant blue eyes shot open at the sound, suddenly overwhelmed with a terrible fear that they might come across another dumb animal on their journey in Narnia. She had nearly felt the claws of death when she ignorantly approached a Dumb Bear the day before, and Lucy was certain that she would never wish to walk into another situation like that.

However, curiosity tugged at her reasoning, luring her into the decision that she should follow the odd noise she heard just moments before. So, she rose to her feet, letting her eyes scan her dimly lit surroundings where her siblings and Trumpkin laid. Lucy was pleased that they were asleep, finding that her early morning activity would not be interfered by overprotective siblings. She knew that she was fully capable of defending herself as she did for her fifteen-year reign.

The young queen slipped away from the camp, following a path of light that led her deeper into the Shuddering Woods. As she pushed through some shrubbery, Lucy was met with the splendid surprise of the presence of dryad spirits who sung sweet melodies across the song of the wind. They danced gracefully around her, brightening her surroundings until her eyes had started to process a few familiar things of the forest. It looked as if the woodland was youthful and free once more. Lucy could not only hear its breaths, she felt its substantial heartbeat thudding against the earth beneath her feet. Magic could be felt through the soles of Lucy's shoes, uncovering that the forest encompassing her was nothing short of magnificent.

Suddenly a dryad wisped into her presence, encouraging her to follow the spirit deeper into the forest. With every step, Lucy could feel the heartbeat fall into rhythm with her pace, and the breath sway with her regal and light-hearted presence. Then there was a loud, thump! and Lucy had to freeze for a moment before the sight of moving trees eased her, moving across the earth to create an archway of trees for Lucy to walk through. Lucy did as such, a smile broadening on her child-like face as her eyes flew around to catch every moment of what was a perfect imitation of the Woods in the Golden Age.


Her head shot towards the direction of where the voice came from, trying her best to ease her racing heart. Lucy wasn’t sure about what she was exactly stepping into, especially when she chose to follow the voice, but when her eyes fell on the sight of a familiar Lion, a gasped escaped her lips. “Aslan!” She cried with joy as she ran towards the Great Cat who stood amidst a clearing. Lucy didn’t hesitate to throw her arms around the beast and shower the Lion with tender kisses of care, something that was well received from the fatherly creature. The gentle animal let out a throaty laugh, satisfied to see the youngest Pevensie was all the while sparkling joyfully as he anticipated.

“You’ve grown,” Lucy said after she pulled herself away from Aslan far enough to analyze him. Indeed, he had grown taller and longer, and his mane had become thicker and wider yet still soft to the touch. His fur had become more saturated with the sweet hues of gold and warmth, making Aslan appear as a walking sun amidst the shade of the trees surrounding them. The only characteristic that remained the same was his ever-knowing eyes that stared lovingly into Lucy’s. They glowed with mirth as he grinned warmly at the young child. “Every year you grow, so shall I.”

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