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  In the backwaters of the universe that is the Internet, in an obscure cluster called QuizUp, in the odious galaxy of Dank, was an unimpressive star, which was orbited by an even more unimpressive planet of blue and yellow, where the inhabitants were so grimace-inducing they thought month old memes were fresh. Unbeknownst to them, there was a book. This was an extraordinary book. It was called the Hitchhiker's Guide to General Nonsense. Much like its counterpart in another universe, its contents were pure nonsense. Even though its contents were nonsense, it sold in high volumes, becoming the best-selling book in the galaxy. It has sold more than "Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia," for the reasons that it's more aesthetic and it has "What is a high volume" in red friendly letters on its cover. The biggest one is probably that Wikipedia is free and that it does not require any money at all. This is the story of that extraordinary book.

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