Chapter 1

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  Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth was just beginning his day. He followed his average routine, got out of bed, put on his robe, and went out to get the mail. After that, he was going to go to court, to fulfill his duties: show how Melara was the real murderer, etc. As he went out to get the average mail and death threats from criminals, he saw something strange. He saw a large yellow vehicle, with a large blade in the front. Next to it stood a man, or rather, an unidentified specimen (this is 2016, can't misgender!). Miles, confused about why there was a bulldozer in his front yard, asked why there was a bulldozer in his front yard. The specimen looked at Miles, and sheepishly said "Well, uh, we're building a bypass, and, um, you're in the way."  

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