The Group Gets Established

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Not even half an hour later a knock comes from outside their compartment.

Harry sighs, "I hope it's not the mudblood again."

Draco hums in agreement, before telling them to come in.

The compartment door opens and two stocky boys come in, followed by a darker skinned boy, and a girl with short black hair. Harry watches as Draco looks up and a small smile graces his face.

"I was wondering when you'd all show up!" Draco exclaimed, sitting up. He had been sprawled across the seat, like Harry, who also sat up.

The girl cleared her throat and eyed Harry.

"Oh. Hey, everyone this is Harry Potter, Harry, this is Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle," Draco said, pointing to each person.

"Hi," Harry says with a little wave.

"Harry? Harry Potter?" The girl shrieks.

"Yes," Harry says.

The girl, Pansy, pales, before taking a seat beside Draco. Blaise sits down on Draco's other side, and Crabbe and Goyle sit on each side of Harry, yet to speak.

"So, how did you meet?" Pansy asks Draco.

"Mother found him at the train station," Draco replied.

"How did you all meet?" Harry asks Pansy, the others quietly watching.

"Our parents all know each other," Pansy replies.

"We've always known each other, since we were born," says the dark boy, Blaise.

Harry nods his head, "Yeh, Mrs. Malfoy helped me get to the platform. I was left here by someone named Hagrid, to find my way."

"Of course, Hagrid is the ruddy games keeper at Hogwarts. He's only there because the fool Dumbledore allows it. He actually got expelled, I heard," Draco says.

Goyle looks over at Draco, "You got anything left from the trolley?"

Draco tosses him some random candy from the pile, and tells Crabbe to get some from Harry when he asks. Harry glares at Draco, before tossing Crabbe something.

Harry surveys the compartment and lets a small smile show on his face. "So, you all looking to be in Slytherin?"

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