Snape and The Sorting

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Harry had zoned out for most of the sorting, only paying attention when one of his or Draco's friends got called, or when Draco nudged him.

Draco had only nudged him twice. The first time was for the mud blood they had seen previously, getting sorted into Gryffindor, Harry had snorted right along with Draco. The second time was for the weasel, who had also been put in Gryffindor.

Crabbe and Goyle got sorted into Slytherin, and Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise all clapped for them.

"Malfoy, Draco!" One of the professors called, at some point, and Draco had went up the sorting hat. Harry, Pansy, and Blaise had all cheered when he got sorted into Slytherin. Draco flashed them a smirk and proudly walked towards the Slytherin table, sitting in between Crabbe and Goyle.

"Parkinson, Pansy!" Was soon followed by "Slytherin!" As she too, walked proudly to the Slytherin table, taking a seat across from Draco, where Harry's friends were clapping, as were Harry and Blaise.

When "Potter, Harry!" was called Harry was sweating, and almost everyone in attendance had gotten quiet. Blaise told Harry good luck, and his Slytherin friends flashed him smiles, Pansy and Draco mouthing good luck. Harry briskly walked up to the sorting hat, which was soon placed on his head.

"Harry Potter," the hat murmured, "Slytherin or Gryffindor?"

"What? Gryffindor! Anywhere but there!"

"But Gryffindors are loyal, Mister Potter, like you," said the hat.

"That may be, but please place me in Slytherin!"

"As you wish, Mr. Potter. Good luck. Slytherin!"

Harry took off hat and walked over to his friends, the silence was deafening. Until Draco started clapping. The other Slytherins soon joined in. Blaise was also sorted into Slytherin.

Half way through the feast, the heads of houses began patrolling their houses, greeting the new students.

"Who's our head of house?" Harry asked Draco.

"Severus Snape. He's my godfather. Don't worry, he favors Slytherins. He's nice once you get to know him," said Draco.

A few minutes later a pale man, with shiny black hair, and a billowing cape came striding down to the first year section of the Slytherin tables.

"Hi, Uncle Sev!" Draco exclaimed.

"Mister Malfoy," the man said, rolling his eyes, "I told you that you must call me Professor Snape in school."

"Sorry, Professor," Draco said.

"Are you going to introduce me?" Professor Snape inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course!" Draco said, once again pointing everyone out. "This is Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Harry Potter. I don't know the rest."

"Harry Potter? However did you come across him?" Professor Snape asked, turning his questioning gaze on Harry, even though the question was directed at Draco.

"Mother helped him find the platform. He was raised by muggles," Draco said with distaste lacing his tone.

"Petunia?" Professor Snape asked.

"Yes, sir," Harry said.

"Horrid woman, she is. Let me know if she ever does something to you," Professor Snape said.

"Of course sir. But if I may ask, how did you know?"

"I was... good friends with your mother, Lily."

"Thank you, sir," said Harry.

Once Professor Snape had walked away, to greet the other first years, Harry turned to Draco. "You're right, he is nice."

Some of the second and third years were gaping at Harry, "What?" he asked.

Draco just snorted and shook his head, and they all went back to their previous conversations.

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