Saturday Afternoon

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It's early afternoon and Hollie has left my bedroom. I once again open the book on maths equations and algorithms. I don't understand much of it, but I'm sure I'll be able to ask Mr. Preston, my maths teacher, about it. He should be able to help me out with it.

As I turn the page towards page fifty, I hear a soft tap on my window. My phone vibrates, convulsing on my bed sheets. I pick it up and read the text message. It's from Chloe.

Look outside your window.

I place the book on the bed and walk towards the curtains. I slowly part them, just in time to see a small pebble hit the window. I look down to find Chloe standing on the dry grass. I hesitate before opening the window, not wanting to be hit by pebbles.

"Hey James!" Chloe says on top of her lungs. "Are you ready to go?" She bends down and picks up another pebble. I instantly retreat from the window and put on my shoes before the small stone flies into the room, hitting me on the back. My lips form into a smile as I open my bedroom door and sneak outside, using the backdoor. I then jump over the small fence and run towards Chloe.

"You didn't have to throw that pebble, you know," I say.

Chloe shrugs and shifts the pack of muffins she's holding to another hand. "I know." She takes my arm and pulls me along. "Come on, let's go."

By the time we arrive at the beach, we're drenched in sweat. It's apparently thirty-nine degrees today. Luckily, Chloe, my lifesaver, brought some bottles of water and sunscreen with her. We settle on the sand, underneath the shade of the large eucalyptus tree, and take off our shoes. Chloe removes her hair from its ponytail as a small breeze picks up. I dig my toes into the cool sand and lay my back on the stem of the tree.

Chloe watches the waves rolling in on the shore, before picking up the muffin pack and opening it. She wordlessly hands me one before picking another up and biting into it. "Thanks Chloe," I say as I look at the muffin. By the looks of it, it's strawberry flavoured with pink icing on the top. I soon follow Chloe's actions and take a bite. It tastes wonderful and it's not long before I finish it. Chloe looks at the empty muffin wrapper in my hands and wordlessly passes me another one. I finish that one as well and Chloe gives me yet another one. "Are you trying to make me fat, Chloe?"

She winks and we begin laughing. "If I wanted to make you fat, I'd be buying you lots of ice cream and Maccas, along with KFC and Red Rooster."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

We fall into a comfortable silence as seagulls land on the beach, looking for free handouts. It's at that moment, the words I've been dying to say for the past three weeks, comes out into the open. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what, James?"

"I'm sorry you had to find me in such a state, three weeks ago." It's been three weeks and it's something we've never talked about. It's something that has been ignored, glossed over and left under the surface.

"James," Chloe turns to look at me, "you don't need to apologise for anything. I'm your friend. We've been friends for many years and friends look out for one another." I don't know what to say. A part of me wants to hug her tight and say "thank you" a million times, but instead, I remain immobile. Chloe smiles and lies on the sand, resting her head on my lap. "Anyway, we made a promise we'd leave this dumbass town for a better life in the city and I'm not doing it without you," she says before squeezing my hand.

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