one- excitement

22 1 0

Frank Iero was bored.

Bored with his work, bored with his morning, afternoons, and nights. Bored with his small loft apartment, bored with his mundane life that consists of getting up, going to work, eating dinner, then going to sleep.

There was little to nothing upbeat in his life. There was no passion, no fun.

No excitement.

Sure, Frank enjoyed his job as a journalist.
He got to get out, meet new people and ask them questions, about their life, their success, about their remarkable experiences.

But the more Frank sat around listening to other peoples exceptionally extraordinary life's, made him long for his own form of excitement.
Something to change his cookie cutter schedule.

Frank has tried in the past, to change things up a bit.

He's been to bars late at night, successfully fucking up his already jumbled sleep schedule. He's tried looking for new hobbies, taking an interest in guitar (as he had all his life, but something told Frank he wouldn't go far playing guitar solo, with little skill)
He's tried putting on his socks before his jeans and his shirt before his boxers to switch things up.
Fuck, he's even gone sky diving.

But nothing ever seemed to make an impact.
He'd always wake up the next morning at the same time, 5:30am. He'd always have the same breakfast which consisted of one large black coffee with half a table spoon of sugar.
He'd always walk down the same familiar streets to his work office in his annoyingly itchy red tie. He'd greet the same people, sit at the same desk, and at the end of the day, go home at 7pm.
He'd eat the same dinner, a piece of toast and yet another cup of black coffee with half a table spoon of sugar.
Then he'd go to bed.

Frank was only 22 years old.
And he was completely bored with his life.

Could you blame him?

The last time Frank has ever made a decision to change things up was getting his nose pierced.
Frank had tattoos, plenty of them.
But those were all from his highschool years.

Back when he was able to be rebellious and care free.
Break the cycle and think outside the box.

But now Frank had responsibilities.
He had a job and bills to pay.
Frank couldn't really afford to be reckless.
God forbid He went too far with trying to have a little fun and he fucked up his life.

Which leads us to the biggest reason frank couldn't make dramatic changes to excite his all too boring life.

He was scared.

If frank lost his job, he wouldn't know what to do.
He wasn't good at much else in his opinion.

He was good at writing, hence journalism.
Frank had a passion for words.

Which made him contemplate writing a book or something.

But what about?
He couldn't possibly write a best seller with an autobiography.

Who would want to read about some average dude living an average life, with abnormal amounts of boredom.
Not even Frank would buy his own autobiography.
Probably titled;
"I'm fucking bored. Is this a midlife crisis ? By Frank Anthony Iero".

Yeah, no.
He had enough of his life, living it everyday.

Frank was stuck.

Stuck between risking his only job, and his plain life trying to have fun. Or keep his only job and plain life, keep things the way he was safe and use to.

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