three- Red Balloon

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Clean white light flooded through the peach colored drapes that hung over franks slightly cracked window.

The bright beams were strong enough on Franks eye lids to coax him from his night of little sleep.

Every half an hour, frank would jolt awake and toss and turn for minutes at a time until he found a position comfortable enough to lull him back to sleep.
He must have gotten at least four hours in total.

Beats last nights record of two hours though, that's for sure.

With the little energy frank had, he sat up off his plush mattress and rubbed at his eyes that stung ,felt swollen and sleep deprived.
Regardless, frank pried his lids open and looked up at the ceiling as he craved his back and stretches out his arms ,the occasional yawn and lon tired sigh could be heard from the short man as he got up and trudged his way to the kitchen.

He needed coffee.

Frank didn't even know the time but it couldn't have been any later than seven am.
Frank didn't have to be in for work today, which was a blessing sent straight from Billie himself after noticing the more prominent dark circles under his eyes, darer than usual.
Bowie bless his soul.

It took no longer than a few minutes for half the pot of coffee to brew. Frank wasted no time in pouring himself a cup and adding his usual half a tablespoon of sugar.

People would say you couldn't taste the difference between half a ts of sugar and no sugar at all.
But frank could.
The tart taste of hazel nut coffee was just strong enough, but couldn't mask the taste of sugar. There was a difference, people just never take the time to sit and enjoy their coffee. Reflect on how it burns against your tongue in a satisfying way, or the chills it gives you when its too strong.
Frank was an observer.
It took a few extra moments to over analyze things.
Which in most cases, causes frank to over think.

Frank could be talking down the street, the day would be beautiful, he'd gotten enough sleep that night, he didn't have a bad hair day, generally was just in a good mood.
Then frank would see a red balloon flying in the sky and then it felt like the balloon filled with cement instead of helium and decided to land straight on franks head.
Because how did that balloon get lose ? Did a child fall and accidentally let go? What if someone had asked someone to marry them with a dozen roses and a cute little balloon, and they'd gotten turned down, so they let the balloon go, an act of defeat, loss of hope.
Or it could have been one of those assholes on youtube that walk around with scissors and cuts peoples balloon strings when they weren't paying attention.
That made frank sad.
Not cause someone lost their balloon, but because people like that on YouTube still exist.

Anyways, off topic.
Moral of it all is, frank was a touchy guy. It wasn't hard to send him into deep, deep thought.

After grabbing Frank's ceramic blue glass of steaming coffee, he walked back to his room.

Frank would have a lazy day, sit around and probably watch Friends on his computer until he caught sitcom syndrome and bought himself another day off.

After setting his drink down and getting comfy under his royal blue sheets, frank pulled over his lap top.

Instantly, he was faced with a notification.

2 new e-mail's:

First e-mail
You've been matched !
We hope you're satisfied. We tried out hardest to find your exact match. Thank you for your patience !

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