Two- pill popper

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The walk home was well..a rainy one.

Frank swore never again to trust the Weather man.
Today didn't even call for showers, yet the frank was, stepping into his loft with dripping wet hair and a white button up that had become translucent and clung to his small torso.

Frank set down his messenger bag on the couch and went right to discarding his soaked clothing, tossing them into an arm chair before grabbing his bag once again and striding over to his bedroom.

Frank decided on just slipping on some bat man pajama bottoms ,not bothering with boxers or a shirt.
Who needed those anyways ?
If frank wasn't so insecure, he'd surely be proud of his inked torso, wanting to be topless more often.

But Frank wasn't confident ,and it was early fall so he didn't think it could be wise to walk around outside half naked.

Sitting criss cross on his bed, Frank pulled over his bag and zipped it open, pulling out his sleek black laptop.

Like he said he would, Frank would skim the webpage over a little until he some how convinced himself to man up and fill out the damn survey.

As far as frank knew, maybe this site wasn't even legit.

It could be some scam?

Then again, when Frank went back to look ,there wasn't anything anywhere asking for his credit card information. Nothing mentioned a price.

It then clicked in franks mind that this had to have been one of those gay hook up sites, like Tinder or something.

Frank wasn't buying a night with a prostitute, he would find someone that was looking for a hook up like he was.
But this person would be more experienced, probably did this sort of thing for a living.

That made Frank feel a little better.

But at the same time, anxious.

This means he'd have to get to know someone ,he'd have to talk to them and discuss their interests and his match would probably call at odd hours and ask him what he was wearing.

Frank shuddered.

Shaking the negative possibilities from his head, frank decided to suck in a breath and type away at his laptop, filling out each question thoughtfully.

The questions were personal, sexual, and descriptive, dirty in a professional way.

Probably for legal purposes. Frank doubted he'd been willing to fill out the survey if the questions were blunt and monotonous

Do you like sucking cock?

Ever been fucked by a tennis ball ?

How luscious is your dick on the scale from Freddie Mercury to David Bowie ?

Haha no.

And for the record, Frank thought his dick was between Elton John and Elvis Presley.

And oh, how ironic, the next question was how lengthy his dick was.
But frank supposed it was useful information to who ever would be receiving the info to match him up with some asshole he'd probably hate to begin with.
As he did with most people he met.

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