Forest Fire Part 1

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Yayay Here is another update! Please tell me what you think about these characters and my writing! Please tell me, too, if you would like something specific to happen ;) This one-shot is pretty long and will have two parts ;)

Thank you and READ ON!


Darkpaw's POV

Darkpaw sighed. What was happening to him..? Was he in love? But why so close to his Warrior ceremony? One more moon and all his efforts would come to an end. Finally, in one moon, he would be Darkpelt, a true warrior of Thunderclan. Ironic right? He thought Knowing your future warrior name! Thanks to his Dark Forest visitors, he knew half of the future. But he knew too that it could change any time. The future was never fully written down.

The Black pelted Tom headed to join his Brother and Bestie, Sunpaw. It was pretty sad how his brother was moons late for his apprentice training. If only he hadn't messed up before the apprentice naming...We would be having our warrior ceremony together!

"Hey There Sun" He greeted, all the apprentices laying their eyes on him. Darkpaw automatically moved his nose up, displaying his beautiful dark chest fur and broad shoulders. With His Clear Blue eyes sparkling with pride, he could see most of the toms were intimidated by him and the she-cats, well let just say he was happy he would be turning a warrior soon.

"Bro" Sunpaw replied, courting Darkpaw into the conversation.

After a few moments of showing his skills to the other apprentices, and that means Badgerpaw -who seemed to have memorized each word Darkpaw said-, Beautypaw -who shot him weird flirty glances and fluffed her chest fur whenever he was nearby, Echopaw who was obviously just there because of her only friend Beautypaw and Duskpaw, the medicine cat apprentice who was forced to interact with the other apprentices because of his mentor. To intelligent for his own good, I bet if Maplefur didn't order him to be social and left him alone he would be living in the medicine cat den. The Black fured tom thought, with a smirk on his lips.

Suddenly a Big broad-shouldered tom interupted the chatting between the apprentices. Breackenscar He mumbled under his breath irritated. I Hope he dies before becoming leader He shot a glance at his deputy, who was ordering the apprentices around, mewling that they had better things to do then to be laying in in the middle of the clearing, chatting.

Darkpaw walked away from the cloud of apprentices and their mentors. He was happy to have given Tigerstripe, his mentor, rotten food so he would get sick. And it worked, Tigerstripe had fallen ill and was stuck in the medicine cat den until the next moon or so. Well it is not my problem that he was so hungry Darkpaw laughed alone. His mentor had eaten the whole thing before realizing it was rotten. It is not like I need training or anything, the Dark Forest Warriors are much more better than any mentors Thunderclan could possibly offer me. Darkpaw thought, still amused. His plan had not worked that well because, now, Darkpaw was stuck with camp duties like searching for ticks in the elders pelts or making more moss nests. Well no one will notice if I slip on the duties for a moon right? He smiled sarcastically, but he already knew were to go.

Amberpaw's POV

"Really Guys? We just turned into apprentices and we are already stuck in camp duties?" Amberpaw mewed collecting the old moss. "Yeah I did expect much more from our mentors, it doesn't mean Brightfur can sleep all day just because she got chosen as a mentor" Violetpaw completed annoyed.

"Relax guys, Leopardspot isn't doing that great as a mentor too but-... Look its Dustpaw with the fresh moss!" Hazelpaw mewed positively when she spotted a shadow in the entery of the den "Go get it, Amberpaw!"

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