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  I opened my eyes slowly, blinking to the dim light of the den. I turned over, my mind racing. But it was still there. It hadn't been a dream, or a nightmare. This was reality. My life was destined to mornings of waking up to this thought. this thought that it was over.

I pushed my self to out of the nest. I slowly turned my head up, my eyes following to stare at the cloudless sky, clear blue like a shallow river flowing rapidly through the stream. For some seconds, I had forgotten about my burden, thinking about the feelings of the ripples in my fur, to crawl against the current, to dive beneath the known world... But then recalled that I was never going to be able to do that again.

Looking at the crushed shells beneath my front paw, I pressed agaisnt the sand beneath my feet, wainting to just burry myself forever. But I couldn't enjoy the thought for long, when I heard clusmly paw steps behind me. And in the same heartbeat, a sweet voice.

But I didn't waste my energy trying to be sympathetic, for I just continued staring at my paws. What else could I do? The sudden sweet voice, who was like a noisy bird behind my ears, rang louder now around the enviornment.

It was my former mentor, Honeyfall, making an effort not to sound sorry for me. But her voice was full of pity, with a goal to soothe me, yet it just got me more bothered. Why did I waste my breath everyday, just to attend to this annoyance?

But I told her I was fine, that I didn't long for her tears in behalf of me. Probably looking dissapointed, shw turned and padded away, and I knew she understood she wasn't wished here. Suddenly I was alone again, but not for too long for I spotted a flock of apprentices shierking and laughting as little birds would do. I could hear their conversations.

Some said they were longing to dive deep into the ripples of the water, some said they would catch a enormous fish, and some added that today would be their l;ucky day.

I didn't took notice on their faces or voices, for I peeked at their strong legs and paws heading for a swim in the river. I envied them, but they didn't know how they were gifted with vision as sharp as an hawk's, four strong legs who abled them to do anything they wanted, with ears who detected any signal of danger and for minds as intellengent and clever as they learned each and everyday from their mentors. But for me, it wasn't the same.

Fernpaw, are you okay? Fernpaw, do you need help with that? Would you like to come down? Would you like to push it up? Fernpaw, could you please carry it to the clearing! Oh wait, I am sorry..I didn't mean it in that way... !...

My face felt hot while I strumbled slowly back to the camp, tears falling off my blue eyes. Mother used to say they represented the dephs of the lake, whose color was the most vibrant of all. Yet she wasn't here to soothe me anymore, for she was just some other cat I used to know.

My black and grey spotted pelt was ruffled with the breeze that swept my tears away. I closed my eyes shut, forcing my salty tears to back away, for I couldn't be caugth sobbing. They say the silent cries are the hardest to bare, but I felt obligated to swallow back my tears when I spotted our medicine cat, Owlrunner, collecting Tansy just some tail lenghts away.

I cursed myself and my tears, blamming them for having distracted me. If Owlrunner had seen me, she would have fussed all over me, eyes full of concern. But I had some seconds to escape before she had seen me.

I itched to be able to run, for when I finally was able to reach RiverClan's camp, I bumbed -if thats possible- into Aspenstar, a big white tom-cat with intense yellow eyes and black stripes. He turned at me, for some heartbeats his gaze showed no pity or sorrow. His voice did not seem forced or with a special, soft tone. But it didn't last long until he treated me as a different, significant cat. I never imagined I would long to be treated as a random, not exclusive apprentice that could be any other one.

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