Rumour Has It

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This one-shot was based on the song...

Rumour Has It - Adele

I still remember our past, the way we used to play when we were just kits. The way he looked at me and I looked at him...It all ended up when I was too afraid to admit I had feelings for him and ran away. Then he just..he just thought I didn't like him and he started to hang out with other she-cats, then we lost contact. It is all Clearpelt's fault, jealous cats always get in the way of your happiness. But it was partly my fault too, why did I had to be so..shy, nervous, stupid. Now he looks at me like I was never his friend. Like we didn't even have a story together, now he has moved on and I'm...I am just stuck here. I Lost my chance forever and now I can't turn back and fix my mistakes. Well I wouldn't call it a "love story" but I..still love to remember it.

That was what I was thinking. Hazeltail of Thunderclan still crushing over Flightcatcher of Windclan! What an amazing thought! How..Original... I was woken up by my sister, Amberpool, looking over at me like I was entering in depression or something..

"Hazeltail! Since our Warrior Ceremony you have been like this! Come on! Stand up!" She tried to nudged me off the rock I was laying, but I just felt so.. Miserable. Amberpool guessed right away what was the "Real Deal" "Or should I say since lFlightcatcher left you have been feeling this way?..Acting this way.!"

Hearing his name out loud was different, now she had recieved my full attention. Well, I have to defend my pride hun I thought while jumping on Amberpool like we were still kits. My sister went with the flow, until we just had to stop acting immature in front of the whole clan. Then she said "Promise me you will try to get over him? Maybe even chosse a mate from our clan?". I was going to say that I didn't had to get over Flightcatcher because I didn't like him but It wasn't worth it, after all that was a lie. Then I answered "Only if you promise me you will do the same with Dustfur!". She nodded and we went off to the dawn Patrol.

Moons Later...

It had been moons that we made each other this promise. I could remember each tom I had hanged out with, and well, tried them off. But none seemed enough for me, or maybe, Flightcatcher enough for me. It didn't matter how much I tried, I kept comparing each and every tom I met with Flightcatcher, I couldn't get over it. I was too deeply in Love. Still.

It was like I was a prisoner in my own body, like I was tied up with Flightcatcher somehow. I always got myself wondering "Does he miss me? Does he feel the same way? Is he thinking of me?". I needed answers but, deeply, I knew they were always going to be..No.

I was Lovesick and this had to stop. I knew I needed help, and I always turned to my sister for it. Before we slept or during a patrol, we would spend 'moons' talking about life. But Amberpool wasn't any help, because she supported my love for Flightcatcher, she always said she thought it was...Possible. It always got me with new flashes of hope sparking throught my heart. But now it didn't help, I had to forget about him. I was living around another cat, now was time for me to live for myself.

but before I could start a new life, I had to see...


That Night

I decided I would sneak up and head to Windclan. Knowing Flightcatcher, he loved looking at the stars before he slept. but he always liked to go alone, so it would be perfect. My heart told me I was doing the right thing, that before I could get over Flightcatcher I had to see him and talk to him. To put all the furry and pain he caused me in his face. And when I left I would feel all the love I had for him blown away on the breeze, it was my destiny. But my head kept buzzing me with questions What if he is not there? What if Windclan catches you? What if... I kept it silent. If anything went wrong Amberpool will come and save me.

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