Chapter 4

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I woke up in my bed. The last thing I remember is being on the beach with Austin. He asked me to be his girlfriend or was it all just a dream? I got up to get a shower and saw a note on my desk.

To my beautiful girlfriend you fell asleep last night on the beach in my arms. So I took you home ang put you in bed. Text me when you wake up sweetie. If you're free today. Maybe we can hang out? Let me know. Love,  your boyfriend Austin.

So last night wasn't a dream. Once I get a shower I will text him. I got a shower and got dressed in one of my old cheer t-shirts and my favorite American Eagle jeans with my pink and purple air max Nike's. I went into Lexie's room to see if she was up yet.

When I walked she wasn't in there and looked like she didn't come home yesterday. So I texted her.

Me: Where are you? Did you even come home last night? What do you want me to tell our parents when they wake up? You know they are off today right?

My Girl Lex: Im with Alex I stayed the night with him I will tell you when I come home. Yes I know they are off and tell them I left early to hang out with friends

I really want to know why she is at Alex's house. She left yesterday with Robert. What happened? After that I texted Austin.

Me: Good morning my amazing boyfriend.

Austin<3: morning baby my mom wants to meet you. can you come over?

Me: sure what time?

Austin<3: I will pick you up at 5 see you then :)

I'm not goin to lie. I'm nervous to meet Mama Mahone. What is she doesn't like me? I decided to listen to music. Lexie came home at 11. She walked into my room. "spill it now I want all the details" I told her.

"Long story short I was at the mall with Robert. I went to the bathroom. I came out he was kissing some blond girl. I went to leave and ran into Alex he hugged me and took me back to his house."

"Wow. I wonder if thats the same girl I saw him with when I was with Austin."

"I don't know. Robert texted me this morning I haven't replied to him yet. I will talk to him later. I guess"

"Okay let me know how that goes. By the way Austin is coming to get me at 5 to meet his mom" I said as she walked out.

*Lexie's POV*

I woke up in Alex's arms. I got up and checked my phone I had two texts from Kylie and Robert. I opened Kylie's and replied to her. Then I opened Robert's text.

Robert: What happened yesterday? Where did you go?

I will reply to him later I need to go home. I woke up Alex and told him I need to go home. He got up and dressed and drove me home. We got there about 11. He kissed me goodbye and left. How cute. I went in and explained to Kylie what happened.

She told me that he was with a girl when she went to the mall with Austin. I guess Robert is a player. I better text him before he flips out.

Me: You seemed busy kissing that blond so I left. I ran into Alex and I spent time with him

Robert: oh okay. That blond is my girlfriend. I wanted to introduce you to her since your a new friend of mine. I think you two will get along. I'm glad we got hang out. I wanted to get to know you better.

Me: yeah it was cool getting to know you better

Robert: Did you think it was a date? I didn't mean to lead you on if I did I'm sorry if you did best friends?

Me: its okay and of course best friends :)

So I guess it wasn't a date? When he texted me he wanted to hang out thats what he meant even though he was flirting with me. It wasn't suppose to be a date. At least we are best friends I guess.

Alex texted me and said he was coming over to spend time with. I can't wait. Austin should be picking Kylie up soon. So I will be able to hang out with him.

It's 5 and Austin just picked up Kylie and dropped off Alex with him. Alex and I cuddled on the couch while watching movies. When we were done watching movies we decided to make cupcakes.

While making cupcakes Alex decided to spill some of the mix on me. We baked the cupcakes and let them cool. Alex insisted he would ice the cupcakes himself. So I let him. This should be interesting. He kicked me out of the kitchen he wanted it to be a surprise.

He finally yelled for me to come in. When I walked the cupcakes spelled "Lexie be my Girlfriend?" there was a cupcake with no icing on it. He told me to write my answer on it with icing. I wrote "yes" and gave it to him. He smiled and kissed me.

This has been the perfect day.

*Kylie's POV*

Austin picked me up at 5 like he said he would. When we got to his house he got out and opened my door for me and then he took me inside. We found his mom in the kitchen.

"You must me Kylie. You can call me Michelle or Mama Mahone. Austin has told me so much about you. He can't stop smiling since he met you. You're so much more beautiful than what he described." She said hugging me.

"Mom stop embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend" Austin said blushing.

"Austin it's okay I find it adorable you talked about me with your mom" I smiled.

We ate dinner. Michelle had fixed spaghetti. It was amazing. Italian is my favorite type of food. After we got done eating Austin showed me around his house. He showed me Alex's room and then his. We went to his room and we watched tv.

*Austin's POV*

Today has been perfect. My mom loves Kylie. I have the girl I love most in my arms. Alex texted me earlier that Lexie said yes to being his girlfriend. So now we can double date with the girls. The girls we are dating are best friends. Life can't get any better than this.

(A/N) Please give me feedback and suggestions also vote please :) I want to hear what you think. Please continue to read my story! It means a lot to have people read my story. Love you all <3 -K

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