Chapter 17

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*Lexie's POV*

Its been two months since Kylie left. We miss her everyday. Alex and I are stronger than ever. But poor Austin. He acts like his heart has been physically ripped from his chest for weeks. At least he is starting to get better. I have talked to Kylie and she feels the same way. 

Austin has started going out with Camila. Kylie doesn't know and I don't know how she will react. My phone went off and I checked it. I had a text from Kylie.

Kylie: Guess who is coming to miami

Me: Ummmm you? please say you

Kylie: Yes!!! my parents said I could move back and start my career again

Me: Thats great!

Kylie: I already have my condo. I'm living with my bodyguard Jack so he can protect me. Maybe my best friend could move in with me also?

Me: I would love to!!!

Kylie: I gotta go pack see you tomorrow

"Alex come here" I yelled.

"Yeah baby"

"Kylie is coming back and she has a condo with her bodyguard and I'm moving in with them"

"Okay have fun. I will miss sleeping with you every night but you need to spend time with Kylie"

"Yeah I miss her"

"Did you see the most recent article"

"Which one"

"The one with Austin and Camila"

"No I haven't. I hope Kylie doesn't see it. She will be crushed"

"I know Lexie. I'm afraid when she finds out being they were friends when they were together that he cheated"

"Oh my God this could get bad. I'm going to go for a drive and clear my head" Oh yeah I can drive now. I turned 16 weeks ago and got my liscense. I heard on the radio them talking about my song coming out tomorrow. My first song is finally being released.

It also comes out the day my best friend comes back. I couldn't be happier.

*Kylie's POV*

I can't wait to be back in Miami. I also can't wait to be back with my best friend and start my career again. I turned my radio on to listen to music. The radio station I was listening to just said they would have an interview with Austin coming up.

I miss him. I'm sure he has already moved on. I haven't moved on but I'm happy being single. i decided to check twitter. I eneded up tweeting "@JustBeingMe_Kylie: Headed back to Miami tomorrow. So excited. I also will be singing again :) Also can't wait to see my friends again"

This is the first time I have been on twitter since I left. I looked at replies. A lot from my fans saying I'm alive. I laughed. I feel bad I haven't been on. I saw a tweet that almost made me cry. It had a link and I opened it.

It was an article about Austin dating Camila. Yeah he did move on. I'm glad he did at least he is happy. I'm not surprised he is with Camila she wanted my spot when I was with him. Maybe its just a fake article or rumor though.

I decided to go look at my mentions. I saw a tweet from Selena. "@selenagomez: I heard my girl @JustBeingMe_Kylie is getting back into her music. Can't wait to hear it! Come see me soon" I tweeted her back. "@JustBeingMe_Kylie: Maybe we can see each other in Miami or I can come to LA. Can't wait to see you again!"

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