Chapter 15

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*Kylie's POV*

Everything is crazy. I hardly ever see Lexie anymore. Usually we are adjoined at the hip but since Alex and Austin came along we are always with them. She was out with Alex yesterday and again today. I miss our girl time.

"Baby I have to go to recording be back soo. Don't get into trouble while I'm gone"

"Okay I won't. I think I'm going to go for a walk while your gone"

"Alright just be safe"

"I promise I will"

"Bye babe I have to go love you. See you later"

"Bye love you too" After that he left to go to the studio. I went to change. I changed into a pair of my old cheer shorts and put one of my nike pro sports bras on and slipped an old cheer shirt from my middle school cheer days. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail.

I put my head phones in and turned my music on. I put all my songs on shuffle. I have over 1,000 songs. So yes I am music obsessed. I won't deny it. As I was on my walk. Well jog. I noticed a car following me.

It was black and the guy driving it was wearing a baseball cap aand sunglasses. This can't be good the last time I saw this Luke had kidnapped me. I still have flashbacks to that. I don't remember that.

I was just about home when something hit me in the back of my head. All of a sudden all I saw was black and thats the last remember.

*Austin's POV*

I got home from the studio and Kylie wasn't here. I called and texted her but no reply. Next thing I did was call Alex. Maybe they came back early and she went with them somewhere.

"Alex is Kylie with you and Lexie" I asked when he answered his phone.

"No why"

"She is not here and she said she was going for a walk when I left. I called and texted her and got no reply. Alex I'm worried"

"Everything will be okay calm down"

My phone beeped and I has a text.

Unknown Number: Miss your little princess pretty boy. I said she was mine. She doesn't love you. You two are over.

"Alex oh my God he took her!"

"Austin how do you know"

Before I could reply I heard Lexie yell "Alex what the hell is going on and don't lie I know something is wrong I can see it in your eyes"

"Alex put the phone on speaker so Lexie hear" he did and I continued. "Lexie, Kylie is missing. Well kidnapped. I just got a text. I'm almost 100% sure its Luke. I know he has her. We need to get her back"

"We are coming home" Alex said and hung up. When he hung up I broke into tears. I can't lose the love of my life! They finally got home. I could tell Lexie had been crying. She hugged me and I cried harder.

"Man we will get her back. I promise" Alex said.

"How we don't even no where the f she is. She is probably scared to death and I can't help her or save her because I don't know where she is"

"Look guys I have to call her parents. Kylie told me if this happened to tell her parents everything" Lexie said.

"Okay" I said.

"While she does that Austin calm down we will figure this out" Alex said. I hope hes right that we will figure it out.

*Lexie's POV*

 I called Kylie's parents. "Mrs. Adams there is something I need to tell you"

"Sure thing sweetie" she said.

"Kylie said if this ever happened to tell you. Luke kidnapped her again. Yes again. When he told you he was with her and not to worry. He had kidnapped her. Ever since they broke up he has been threatening her and guys she sees"

"Lexie what do you mean he kidnapped her he would not do that"

"Mrs. Adam yes he would he is in some bad stuff. We are not sure what but we know its bad. He has threatened both Kylie and Austin in the past couple weeks. Saying that she was his and that she only loves him and  he will get whats his"

"How do I know you all aren't pranking me" How could she think we would joke about this?

"Why would we? Austin is having a breakdown because she is not answering he recieved a text from an unknown number saying they have h-" I was interrupted by Austin running in.

"They called me. Listen" he said. I held the phone so her mom could her too.

"Look you precious Kylie is fine but don't look for her she is safe. If you try to find her we will hurt you. Understand bye" then they hung up. Austin and I started crying.

"Mrs. Adams do you believe me now" I heard her breakdown.

"We got to find her. I want my little girl back!" she exclaimed.

"We are trying our best Mrs. Adams" Austin said.

"Be careful you heard what thay said. Don't get hurt. Call the police to help you. I don't want you doing this all alone and neither would Kylie"

"We will" we told he and we hung up. How are we going to do this? We called the police and they are trying to track down the number that called Austin. We are waiting to hear back.

Austin looks like he is about to flip out. I can only imagine what he is going through. I don't know what I would if I had to go through this with Alex.

*Alex's POV*

I have never seen Austin like this. I have never seen him cry this much. I don't know how he hasn't gone completely insane yet.

All I can do is hug Lexie and Austin while they cry. I have to stay strong for them because they need someone there for them. But its so hard.

"Alex how are you are so calm with all thats going on?" Lexie asked.

"You need me to be. You guys need me here for you" I replied.

"Bro you are way stronger than I. If I was in your situation I couldn't do it. I know Kylie is like a little sister you as Lexie is to me. I know if this happened to Lexie I couldn't be as strong" Austin said. At that point I lost it.

Hes right she is like my little sister. Yeah we give each other a hard time and act like we can't stand each other but thats our friendship. I miss her. I know they miss her more than me.

"Alex we are here for each other. Let's make a promise no matter how it turns we will always have each others back no matter the circumstance" Lexie said.

"I promise" we all said at once. I just hope everything turns out fine. If not... I don't even want to think how much our lives will change.

(A/N) Please give me feedback and suggestions also vote please :) I want to hear what you think. Love you all <3 -K xoxo

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